Sun sword
During the expeditions on the journey to reconquer the land, on one of the many ruins scatarred around, the soldiers encountered a decayed body. Upon inspection, the body began to twitch and shouted the words
"The one who wield the sun sword, shall rule all the land and gold"
After that, the body fet to the ground with no trace of life on it.
When the situation was reported, scholars, wizards and clerics were called to discuss what could have happened.
The location described were not mapped by then, suggesting it was a construction from before the Shadowfell attack, but no one could make sense of the words.
Pelor's clerics were consulted, but not a single one had any idea of what a sun sword could mean. Nor what kind of sword could grant control over all the land and gold.
Due to more urgent matters, the subject was left behind.
However, a cleric of Pelor couldn't leave this information to waste. There could be an artifact capable of giving him controle of all the land, with this power he could drive of the Shadowfell. And so, he packed his things and left in search of the sun sword.
Upon arriving at the location where the body was found he looked for clues as to where it could be, but had no success.
Away from every safe location, when the sun set he decided to spend the night on the ruins but was attacked by a large group of Shadowfell demons. He fought the best he could, but their numbers were just to overwhelming.
He refused to give up and started reciting the prophecy frantically while fighting, decided to take as many demons as he could before he died.
During the fight, the cleric notes that his sword is emitting a bright and warm light. The battle tide swings as his enemies flee from his sword and his light, eventually fleeing the battle and leaving the cleric by himself, which colapses short after due to injuries he suffered.
When he wakes up, a sword is in his hand. The blade is made of bronze and is warm to the touch. When the sunlight touches the sword it seems the sword absorb it and emit a faint light from itself. The cleric can't remember how he acquired, but he knew he had the sun sword in hands.
However his happiness did not last longer. As he tried to stand up, he was reminded of all his injuries from the battle that he just survived. His body would long last and he was aware of it. Then, he prayed to Pelor and asked for help, to deliver the mighty sword for the others and after that he would gladly accept death's embrace.
He then stood up and went back from where he first left. Upon arrival, his companions rushed to help him, but it was too late. It is written that the cleric passed the sword to others and died rightly after. However, the only thing that was passed was the hilt of a broken sword.
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