Since the Shadowfell raid on the Material Plane was such an impactful event and nearly wiped the whole population on the Material Plane, many of the ones who survived developed a problem to sleep due to the fear and anxiety of being attacked during the night.
As time passed, insomnia was passed on through generations and altough it is not a recurrent symptom on everybody, more often than not different people share their experiences of having insomnia periods.
The insomnia period varies from one person to another, the most continuous case reported lasted 2 weeks. There are no signals that indicate the insomnia period will start nor when it will end. One day they simple cannot sleep and after some days they would go back to sleep naturally.
This problem would not be solved by any means other than magic, yet the ones that undergo magical treatment reported that they would sleep after a spell was cast on them and they would still having insomnia episodes on the same day. Moreover, they also reported that they would wake up extremely tired once the spell wore off.
Recently, some servants of the Goddess Sehanine were conducting an expedition to the Wilderness, and were able to locate the a different type of crystal. They would shatter easily using bare hands, and every sample they were able to find were no bigger than berries. They would emit a dim pale light on the sun and a much stronger silver glimmer when exposed to moonlight.
After studying they crystal, they found certain healing propertings on it and after mixing with the right ingredients, they developed a powerful sedative. It was used on pacients during the insomnia periods and showed great healing potential. Those who drank the mixture while on insomnia period, would sleep hours later and wake up feeling refreshed.
Due to the format of those crystals and it's interaction with the moon light, thecrystal was baptized moondrops and it now widely used as a medicine for insomnia.
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