Crimson Festival
Every for years people in the North can experience an unique view on the winter solsitice, where the moon have all of its phases with a bloody red.
Even the moonlight, has shades of red to it.
The phenomenon has ocurred even before the Shadowfell invasion, one of the few things that still remains.
On the ocasion the northmen celebrate the phenomenon with the Crimson Festival. No one can remember when or where it started, but every village hold his festival, each one of it with their on particularities.
The only common thing between all of them is the presence of the red color. Clothing, drinks, food and everything else has the color red on it.
The preparation of the festival start once the moon reaches it's full phase and end on the last day of the moon phase.
On the capital, during the festival the highlight is the glasses that are put on different parts of the city. Once they moon rises, the moonlight reflects on the glasses around the city, is reflected on it and engulf the whole city on a crimson light for the festival duration.
During the festival, Sehanine's clerics also change their symbols to a red full moon and all of them use red masks covering their faces. Also, during the whole month of the crimson moon, there are certain gatherings exclusive to Sehanine followers. They claim that those gatherings are used by them as an opportunity to thank the goodess for her blessing as well as ask for guidance. Even though they are aware that the red moon occurs before Sehanine appeared, her followers share the belief that as the moon, Sehanine has different faces and different names.
The festival end mark the beggining of the winter, and as sure as the moon will show on the next day, it is know that the following night the first snow of winter will fall.
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