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It is well stabilished that quill has been used for long period of time to write any needed information. It works perfectly well for sages, scholars and other students who has the habit of using that kind of instrument on libraries and others similar places. However, this does not mean it is fit for every kind of environment, such as underground excavation sites or expeditions on the dark. Using quill and ink on those scenarios can be quite a challenge. It is not a major problem for those who can rely on magic, however this is not the case for the average person.   Gnomes were the first ones to think about a solution for this problem, since many of them work on workshops. It is a common story among them, project notes that were lost after a bottle of ink spilled on it after some equipment unintentionaly flipped the ink vial. The solution they came about, was a cylinder made out of rock to hold a piece of coal. In this way, they could use coal without any risks of smudging their notes or accidentaly dropping coal dust on their experiments. Later on, they improved their invetion by adding four vials on each side of it with an alchemical liquid. Pressing the vial, make the liquid reach the coal which absorbs it. Due to a chemical reaction, when pressed against any surface it changes the color of the coal trail to a blueish luminescent color, that stands out on the dark, thus popularizing the name of the tool as brightcoal.   After this last update, it blew amongst others inventors, miners and the like for it's versatility. It did not made much succes between the nobility since it is not aesthetically pleasant and it is kind of clunky.   Since its popularity rose, it is common to see villages near excavation site, to have at lease one shop dedicated to brightcoal. The liquid used on it, requires a certain amount of time to prepare and it is not abundant, making such shops always having needs for their services.
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