True Elemental Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Gryst | World Anvil
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True Elemental Magic

Most arcane scholars believe that elemental magic is sorted into fire, water, air, and earth. Only the Shindar and the Thalim know the truth about magic. Though individual scholars may discover true magic on their own, the Shindar and Thalim learn magic as a part of their culture. Magic is energy manifested in a form thet beings of flesh and blood can manipulate. There are four forms, Creation, Stagnation, Destruction, and Corrosion. Each form can be gathered together and transformed in an accelerated reaction. The will of the soul makes this manipulation possible. The energy on Gryst is impacted by two other forms of extra planar energy, holy and unholy.


When the energy in a certain energy is saturated with creative magic, the area experiences accelerated plant growth and animal maturation. Animals experience increased sex drive. Over-saturation will result in cancerous growths and parasitic infestations. When the energy in an area is saturated with stagnation energy, the air flow is reduced. Plants and animals slow their growth. Inertia strengthens. Over-saturation results in a halting of activity except on the quantum level. The area will be frozen in space. Any gaseous material in the area will condense. When the energy in an area is bombarded with destructive energy, any volatile items will experience spontaneous combustion. Harmful interactions such as poking, slicing, or rubbing have far worse effects. Most materials that have a low melting point will melt or catch on fire. Over-saturation of destructive energy will destroy all plant and animal life in the area. An area saturated with corrosive energy experiences accelerated rot and aging. Over-saturated areas cannot support multi cellular life forms. They will age and rot in their place.


Magic is energy, and as energy, it is everywhere. Unlike physical energy, the forms of magic can be condensed and directed by forces of willpower. A soul or an extra planar entity must provide that willpower. Concentrating one form of magic in a small area will last as long as new energy of that form is supplied. Depending on the density and extent of the saturated area, the magic can take anywhere from an hour to a century to dissipate. If the area is severely over-saturated, it may take even longer for that area to recover.
Metaphysical, Elemental

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