The House of Integrity Building / Landmark in Gryst | World Anvil
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The House of Integrity

In every Kunthite settlement, one can find several ceremonial buildings each devoted to one of Kunth's core values. The House of Integrity hosts a confessional ceremony, and group therapy sessions once a week. During the rest of the week, this House doubles as a courthouse for civil cases. Leaders of Integrity specialize in lie detection and investigation. They often help the House of Justice with criminal cases also.

Purpose / Function

Buildings that serve as the House of Integrity are designed to be used as discussion forums, similar to a courthouse or congressional hall.


Most Houses of Integrity have open entrances or only light doors that do not fully close. Carvings of eyes and encouraging phrases commend that those who pass through are under he eyes of society itself, and thus must be careful what one does in that space. Some have curtains of beads over the entrance so as not to restrict air flow. Most entrances are on level ground, but some have ramps leading up to them. This is so that even non-religious people and foreigners can come and participate.

Contents & Furnishings

Most Houses of Integrity have many chairs and benches arranged in a square or circle so that no matter where one looks, one can see others and no matter where one sits, one can be seen. A few have desks towards the edges of the room, and all have desks in the anti-chamber for day-to-day opperations. Some have small altars or metal-working stations for ceremonial purposes. Others have plants or fungi in the rooms to provide comforting ambiance.


Houses of Integrity often have vaults inside which house jewels of the attendees. Any who steal such jewels are barred from the house if caught. Some of these jewels and treasures are donated as bait for dishonest folk while others are kept safe there by trusting people.

Hazards & Traps

Houses of Integrity are often laced with holy energy which encourages speaking truth and discourages deceit.

Special Properties

All Houses are open to air flow and sometimes have steams running through the chambers.


Many versions of this building exist. Some have only two chambers, one for discussion and one for the daily opperations that are required to keep the lights on. Some have three to eight additional chambers, some for specific ceremonies and rites, and others as aditional discussion halls so that people who openly dislike and distrust each other do not have to sit in the same room together to participate in religious activities.


Most Houses of Integrity are carved into cavern or canyon walls. Few doors exist in these buildings encouraging an open mind and calm heart. Most are lined with smooth stone or dicrete carvings of eyes or phrases that encourage honesty and a healthy lifestyle.
Houses of Integrity often have seating arranged in a circle with a desk off to one side where records are taken. Reccords are kept in shelves along the side.

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