The Heart of a Soul Item in Gryst | World Anvil
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The Heart of a Soul

The essence of someone's entire being, the heart of a soul is a small spherical object which allows the dead to lend energy to the living. It ties directly to the spirit which will guarantee a summons when the name of the soul is used. The energy can also be expended as a component to potions. After the energy is used, it returns to the spirit. People with dark intent will ritualistically summon the spirits of the dead to tear the hearts of their souls from them. Even if the soul is reunited with the spirit, the spirit will still be in agony. People with even darker intent may devour the heart of a soul in a risky attempt to gain that soul's powers.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Essence of a soul condensed into a small sphere. It projects the same aura as the person did in life. Only sentient and intelligent beings have souls. The item is tied to the spirit of its owner and any places or people significant to the person in life including the place of their death. The sphere can be used to summon the spirit attached or to release a stronger energy of the aura it projects.


These items are the condensed essence of a soul that the spirit leaves behind if they arestill connected to Gryt. Sometimes they are torn from the spirit for dark purposes.
Item type
Anywhere from 2 to 15 oz.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
No components to make it. Can be ritually obtained by using the "Rend Heart" spell.

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