Rend Heart Spell in Gryst | World Anvil
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Rend Heart

A dark ritual used by evildoers who wish to sell or use the heart of a soul. The spirit which leaves this plane of existence with theheart of their soul have no attatchments or further intentions for Gryst. Those who rend the heart of a soul directly disrespect and drfile the spirit.


Rending the heart of a soul from the spirit causes the spirit to live in agony for all of eternity, even if they are reunited with the heart.

Side/Secondary Effects

The spirit loses any personality of its former self. It becomes like a Dnd specter.


Rending the heart of a soul feels like pulling aa balloon from water. For the soul involved, once the heart is rent from them, they are in agony for all eternity.


The power to rend the heart of a soul comes from elemental destruction combined with unholy energy.


Very few know who first cast the spell. Some say that a cult rent the heart of a soul to sacrifice to a demon. Others say a fey creature rent a heart for experiments.
Material Components
The corpse of a person whse spirit left with its heart. A bloated tick or leach. Carved ivory worth at least 500gp and a quart of oil
Gestures & Ritual
Pour the oil into the corpse's mouth and over the stomach. Place a bloated tick or leach in the corpse's left hand and the black gem in the right. Call forth the energy of destruction from your surroundings and condense them into the ivory in your palm. Smash the ivory against a rock an call the soul of the deceased forth. Draw the powder of the ivory into your palm. Let it fall through the spirit that comes. Then reach into the spirit as it condenses into a visible form and cup your fingers around the center. Command the spirit to leave as you pull your hand away. The spirit will be forced away from the heart, leaving it in your hand.
Related School
Necromancy, conjuration.
Related Element
Destruction, deccay, and unholy energy.
Effect Casting Time
Up to three (1d4) hours
6. Ritual.
Applied Restriction
Cannot be cast in public as this ritual is universally hated. The activities stemming from this ritual are highly illegal. The spirit summoned must have the heart of their soul wthin them. It cannot be cast in a consecrated ccemetary as devine energy will repel the unholy.

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