Nano Chip Technology / Science in Gryst | World Anvil
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Nano Chip

Half the size of a modern micro-chip, the Nano chip makes use of stagnation energy to reccord and store information in a way that can be easily stored and organized in tiny crystals.


Nano chips are used in information storage units and recording devices. Thalim experimented with magic and microchips in hopes to discover a data storage unit that is small enough to be undetectable without x-rays.


Mechanical sensors must be placed on the positive side of the storage device. As the crystals shft and move, the sensors can receive that output and translate it into electrical data. All data must be translated into binary going in and coming out of the device.
Access & Availability
It's a ommmon resource that every mobile device contains. Many computers make use of similar technology as well.
Crystal powder is carefully arranged and sandwitched between two pieces of metal. Crystals are than exposed to condensed stagnation energy which they absorb. Information can be downloaded onto each crystal by transforming electrical energy into stagnant magic. Stimulating the crystal with creative magic will release the stagnant magic and data.
Human scientists created microchips. Thalim collaborated with them to improve information storage and organization with magic

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