Chance Taboo Tradition / Ritual in Gryst | World Anvil
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Chance Taboo

This game is a game of chance and challenge, a game of controversy and commitment. This game is not for the stiff0necked or fainthearted. Whoever plays this game may regret it later.


This game was said to arrise when diplomats of island nations accused each other of piracy. The test, six taboos of the indevidual's cultural or famelial background would be described. Each taboo would be assigned a number on the die and when the die was rolled, the person must either perform the taboo or give monetary compensation to the other players.


All players arrange themselves in a circle. Going clockwise, each is assigned a number. Than a series of dice are rolled, the number of dice determined by the number of players. Whatever number the dice land on determines the player who must go first. Six "taboos" or embarrassing dares are written on a card. The items are arranged in order of controversial from least to greatest. The die rolls. The number it lands on determines the dare. If the player refuses the dare, they must either re-roll the die or forfeit their right to challenge other players with taboos. The winner performs no taboos that are immoral in their own eyes. The object of the game is to make as many players as possible uncomfortable.

Components and tools

Dice, props that imitate taboo subjects oritems, or the items themselves, at least three players.


Alll participants are on an even playing field. Each player has a card which they must write six taboos on. If they cannot come up with six, they may ask another player to challenge them to put more on. The player must write at least two taboos that are personally embarassing or immoral. When the player rolls the die, the number it lands on corrsponds to an item on the list. Each player has the ability to challenge another to perform a taboo. They must not call on the same one who called them. Each player must bring at least two items with them. Challengers may request for one of those items when they challenge the other player. If the player does not perform the "taboo" the challenger has the right to the requested object. If the player has nothing to give, they forfeit the right to challenge the next player. The next player may be challenged by the previous player's challenger.


This game is commonly played by younger people, particularly inn Serodechia. It is also very popular in multicultural areas. Some religious and governmental organizations have banned it as it may presure someone into committing a crime or something taboo to that religion. Most people who play have a more carefree or childish state of mind. People who abstain look down on those who would play.

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