Feykinn Species in Grimoire | World Anvil
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Feykinn is a small humanoid race from areas heavily influenced by the Feywild. Feykinn originates from areas that border the material realm and the Feywild, they form small communities which are usually one family. The clans are led by the elders of the family and each generation is guided by the older generations. Feykinn usually never encounter civilization but those who wander far enough may insert themselves into small communities such as villages or traveling groups. In appearance, they resemble humanoid children for most of their lives, with distinctive ears and tails that resemble those of foxes, wolves, deers, and rabbits. Feykinn is heavily influenced by the natural world, to a degree that they change appearance and abilities based on their environment. In topical and coastal areas they often have slick furs as well as slight webbing that helps them swim underwater. Desert appearance their hair and fur become shorter and their skin darkens to accommodate the intense sunlight and high heat. Feykinn in the mountain often has thicker tufts of fur to keep out the cold. Forest Feykinn is much more varied with their lifestyles often changing how they appear such as many wolf Feykinn having who remain in the shadows of heavy trees growing darker fur.  


Ability Score Increase Dex +2
Size Small
Speed walking 30ft, climbing 30ft

Darkvision. Darkvision of 60 feet.
Keen Senses:
Proficiency in perception skill
Fey Ancestry:
You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Naturally Stealthy: You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.
Environmental Adaption:
As an action a feykinn can change their their form to suit their current environment better. After using this ability they regain use of this feature after a long rest.  Choose one of the following subraces: Coastal, Desert, Forest, Mountain,   Subrace: Coastal Feykinn that have been changed by the energy in wet environments such as the ocean and swamplands. In appearance, their hair and fur slicks back and their feet and fingers become slightly webbed.
Ability Score Increase:
Intelligence increases by 1
Aquatic Adaption:
You gain a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you can breathe air and water.
Ocean Magic
: You know the Shape Water cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Subrace: Desert

Feykinn affected by the energy in arid environments changes to survive in the hot area. In appearance, their hair and fur become shorter and their skin darkens to accommodate the intense sunlight and high heat.
Ability Score Increase:
Strength increases by 1
Arid Nomad
: You gain resistance against fire damage. You're also naturally adapted to hot climates.
Desert Magic:
You know the Firebolt cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.    

Subrace: Forest

Feykinn that have been changed by the energy running through wooded areas such as forests and jungles. Their appearance in this form is the default for the race.
Ability Score Increase:
Wisdom increases by 1
Woodland Spirit:
You have an advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made when within 10ft of bare root plants.
Forest Magic
You know the Druidcraft cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Subrace: Mountain

Feykinn that have adapted to high elevation and areas of low temperature. Their appearance changes to thicker hair and fur and they grow extra hair around their face and limbs, they also gain a stockier build.
Ability Score Increase:
Constitution increases by 1
Alpine Wanderer
: You're acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet. You're also naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
Mountain Magic:
You know the Frostbite cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Languages. Common and Sylvan

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Feykinn is humanoids with a couple of animal-like features such as ears, tails, fur on arms and legs, some with more powerful continues to nature and the feywild have features like paws, feet, and fang, as well more animal-like instincts. Features the come and go with their environment change in about 24 hours in set environment.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Feykin is known to be very communal, working as a group for the clan as a whole. Each family often takes on a trade in the clan ranging from crafting, teaching, magic, and hunting. Hunting and trading is a very common trade in the feykin and are known for their skill and the the sippiles they bring from around the world and from the feywilds.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Scattered around the world, never staying in one place long.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Feykin are usually named after natural elements, like plant names or geographical areas, and the names tend to sound cute.
Elven Outsider
400 - 500 years
Average Height
3 to 5 ft tall
Average Weight
50-70 lbs


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