Cinderella Phyre Character in Grimoire | World Anvil
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Cinderella Phyre

Cinderella Phrye

Step Daughter of Lady Tremaine who lives in the tailor shop called Fairy Godmother. Shy and meek, she is very nervous around others and finds it hard to talk to people outside her family. That is, besides her friend Pinocchiowho lives in the shop with her. Often commissioned by nobles for dresses, she has become well known as a gem worth finding in the city of Alra.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As the 1st of her story to be born, Cinderella has not left Alra as the store in her relic and links her to the city. Soon after, her family came and she fell into a route of making them dresses for balls and parties. This lasted up until Pinocchio came and started helping her with her dresses. While quiet, Pinocchio was soon the person Cinderella could talk to openly and honestly. With a new bit of company, Cinderella became happier in her work and it soon showed as her dress became brighter and more colorful which caught the eyes of people outside her family.


Pansexual but deeply in the closest to her family.


Owner and solo seamstress of the Fairy Godmother.

Mental Trauma

One factor in her story that separates her from other Cinderellas is she decided to stay with her family, Believing a lot fo the abuse from her family as love.
Current Location
Physically 24
Date of Birth
Cobgeuim 20th
Parents (Adopting)
Sky Blue
Golden Blone
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Yellow


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