Andoah Mountains Geographic Location in Grant | World Anvil
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Andoah Mountains

The Andoah Mountains is the only mountain range in Grant. It acts as a natural and political barrier for the differing countries.


The Andoah Mountains begin in the north-west with its largest peak, Mount Shenan in Consell. The Andoah Mountains begin in the north-west with its largest peak, Mount Shenan. The range snakes along starting from the northern edge of the continent until it reaches the south-east corner. Crater Haze carved a chunk out of the eastern part of the range.

Fauna & Flora

Temperate forests, plains, and rivers can be found at the base of the mountains, depending on where one is in the range. Trees are found on the mountainside.

Natural Resources

The Andoah Mountains are a boon for stone, minerals, fresh water, and timber.
Mountain Range
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