Pholae Species in Gotera | World Anvil
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Pholae are the most common denizens of Gotera, found on all sandy beaches of the realm’s shores and along the shallow shelfs before they drop into the twilit zone. While they are great in number, their presence is seldom felt unless they are severely threatened. Pholae prefer to spend their day eating, lounging, crafting, and competing for a mate. Innate artisans, they make their living in the seas selling finely crafted wares; typically nets and tools, but sometimes well-made weapons and armor. They spend their earnings on simple pleasures, eschewing material possession in favor of food, drink, and attracting as many desirable mates as possible.   Physical Description: Pholae look like an upright-walking crab with six to eight appendages instead of ten. Most Pholae have four legs that are used for walking. Though, there are some that only have two lower legs that give them a more humanoid appearance. The first two legs are not really "legs" per se, but rather claws — technically they are called chelipeds. Most Pholae have two medium-sized pincers, while some males develope one small pincher and one large. These claws are used for attacking, and lack dexterity for fine manipulation. The middle legs (or’s all relative) of both genders end small, dexterous pinchers that are used for more delicate manipulation. Typical coloration is brownish red, but blue, black, green, and even yellow Pholae are not unknown.   Ability Scores: 18, 18, 14, 14, 12, 10. One of the 18s must be in Strength or Constitution, and the other cannot be in Dexterity but can otherwise be allotted to any ability score. The 10 cannot be allotted to Strength or Constitution.   Racial Buoyancy: -190   Depth Tolerance: 600ft   Size: Medium   Speed: 20ft both on land and while swimming. Their speed is never modified by armor or encumberance.   Gills: Breathe water. Can survive out of water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution.   Bestial Senses: +2 racial bonus to perception checks. They receive a check to notice movement whenever it happens within 50 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.   Innate Craft: Pholae can use Wisdom instead of Intelligence when making craft skill checks. All craft skills are class skills.   Natural Armor: +2 natural armor bonus to AC.   Natural Weapons: Two claw attacks that deal 1d6 slashing damage. Males can choose to have one large claw that deals 1d8, and one smaller claw that deals 1d4. These are primary natural attacks unless the Pholae also wields a manufactured weapon.   Languages: Common and Clackin'. Pholae with a high Int score can choose: Aquan, Abyssal, Gesh-par, and Draconic.

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