Cecaelia Species in Gotera | World Anvil
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Cecaelias are proud but don’t hold themselves above other races, reacting with cautious openness when meeting new people. They’re sensitive to condescension, though, and they anger quickly if they suspect someone is talking down to them. Overly flowery language or flattery can likewise insult them; cecaelias respect those who speak plainly, even if what they have to say is unpleasant. Cecaelias rarely form large settlements, preferring to insert themselves into the societies of other races. This is in part due to their inherent wanderlust that seems to strike at random during their life. They enjoy seeing new sights, meeting new people, and exploring the unknown.   Cecaelias often decorate their bodies with tattoos. Cecaelia tattoo artists are valued members of a cecaelia community and create colorful pigments from cephalopod ink, sea plants, and tropical fish. Most cecaelias favor swooping, abstract tattoos reminiscent of ocean currents, though some memorialize their adventures or significant life experiences with symbolic images.   Physical Appearance: From the waist up, cecaelias resemble humans with agile but muscular builds. Instead of humanoid legs, cecaelias have eight cephalopod tentacles that allow them to move quickly both on land and underwater. Cecaelia tentacles tend toward shades of brown, russet, emerald green, and deep blue, with coral tones on the suckered underside.   Ability Scores: 18, 18, 14, 14, 12, 10. One of the 18s must be in Dexterity or Intelligence, and the other cannot be in Charisma but can otherwise be allotted to any ability score. The 10 cannot be allotted to Dexterity or Intelligence.   Racial Buoyancy: -30   Depth Tolerance: 1,000ft   Size: Medium   Speed: 30ft swim, 20ft land.   Vision: Darkvision 60ft   Gills: Breathe water. Can survive out of water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution.   Psionically Attuned: Gain the Wild Talent feat. If a Cecaelia character starts at first level with a psionic class then they gain Psionic Talent instead.   Cecaelia Psionics: 1/day - Detect Psionics and Concealing Amorpha. The manifester level of these effects is equal to the Cecaelia's level (minimum 3rd).   Tentacles: Up to four tentacles at a time can hold, but not use, any item that can normally be held in one hand. The Cecaelia can retrieve any item held in its tentacles as a swift action. The Cecaelia also receives a +4 racial bonus to her CMB while attempting to grapple. Cecaelia with all eight tentacles free becomes immune to the Disoriented condition caused by an enemy's attack, though can still choose to willingly enter a Disoriented state. They are not immune to the Disoriented condition if caused by magic or extreme currents.   Languages: Common. Cecaelia with high Int scores can select any language they want except secret languages and pelagic.

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