Mobythians Species in Gojera | World Anvil
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The Mobythians are a bipedal mammalian species. With their intelligence and ability to use tools, they have learned how to build civilizations vastly different than other mammalian herds. Despite this advanced society, they choose to remain in smaller tribes. These tribes are known to wage war on one another and the other species of Gojera. They are the only known Gojeran species to enslave their own. They have developed a hierarchical system where the second stage of their metamorphosis is believed to be the perfect form. Their small, first stage counterparts are used as servants, while their colossal, second stage counterparts are used as workers.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

First stage: A member of this species is usually born as a small being with shriveled skin and small clumps of hair on top of their heads. The vertebra can be bent or broken in various positions, leading many to be hunched. Many are frail with bones that are easily broken. This may last for years before hibernation and cocooning. However, the hierarchical dominance of the next stage can prevent that from ever happening except to a select few.   Second stage: This stage hosts a more straight vertebra, stronger muscles, and more intelligence. They can be very lean, fast, and agile. Tasks like hunting, swimming, or mating can be better performed at this stage. Most choose to remain at this stage of metamorphosis for the rest of their lives, but some are forced to hibernate to prevent a shortage of stage three workers.   Third stage: The final stage cannot mate with the other two stages, as is with most of the Gojeran species. They can grow to be between fifteen and fifty feet tall. They have tremendous strength but they usually lose some intelligence from the second stage. For many, their bones grow too large for their skin, leading to deformities. At this stage, the healthier Mobythians can live for hundreds of years, but those that don't grow correctly can die during, or shortly after, the hibernation.

Ecology and Habitats

The Mobythians can adapt to almost any habitat. Their various tribes have migrated all across Gojera. They deplete the resources around a location they wish to stay before utilizing tools and animal husbandry to build farms.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The first two Mobythian stages are omnivores, while the final third stage can only be sustained by a carnivorous diet. A few tribes are nomadic. They hunt and forage for food. Most are agrarian and choose to farm for most of their food. However, they do have hunting parties to bring back meat for the whole tribe.
Scientific Name
Giga erectus meaning "upright giant."

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