The Rainweald Geographic Location in Gods' Call | World Anvil
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The Rainweald

"I'm not crazy!" the orc protested, wringing her hands as she paced back and forth. "There's something - something not right with that forest. That mist smells like the sea, but we're nowhere near the coast - and the birds, the birds, ain't never heard anything like them-"   The cityguards exchanged a glance. The woman continued ranting, with increased distress. "It wouldn't burn. What kind of wood don't burn? The birds - Moon and Sun, they were crying my name-"   The woman ranted herself hoarse, and refused to look at the guards, much less speak. They found a guild license in her pack, which looked like it had been torn half to pieces by some animal's claws. Soon they learned she was a member of a party of five, sent into the forest at the bequest of a border village.   None of her companions were ever seen again.


Historical accounts passed down through generations of emigrant humans attest to the Rainweald being a jungle of uncompromising humidity and dense vegetation, clouded with a strange, salty-smelling mist. Many parties of humans who tried to cross the jungle - some numbers in the hundreds - utterly vanished within its green depths during the great human migration to the mainland.

Fauna & Flora

Little is known of the Rainweald's fauna. Sightings have been reported of strange birds mimicking the cries of other animals, and large ape-like animals have been spotted at the northern edges of the forest. Few expeditions into the jungle have ever brought back verifiable results, and as such few explorations are officially sanctioned due to the heavy risk involved and the lack of any obvious benefit from further exploration.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)

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