Harranheim Settlement in Gods' Call | World Anvil
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While not believed to have been the location of her ascension, Harranheim is considered by many to be the center of the Wildmother's worship. Many of her druids come from the territory around Harraneheim, and her holy order is established within the city.   Harranheim is a frequent stopping point for travelers heading south from Moranthamyre and Kun'Wohrum. It was also one of the cities most heavily brutalized by the rising undead during the reign of the lich Voghun Lonecarver, and the city retains a heavy superstition towards the undead and those who possess powerful magic, and bans the display of magical ability in public except by those known to belong to one of the local holy orders.


Goliath, elvish, and firbolg, with mixed human, dragonborn, and centaur. Orcish and halfling peoples make up a minority.


Harranheim is overseen by a governor and a small council of local tribunes, appointed by the people during times of strife and need.


Harranheim is surrounded by sprawling fields and hills, rendering a stealthy approach by incoming threats all but impossible by conventional means. The city is heavily elevated, surrounded at its base by a large moat. It is built atop an underground cave system, and has several escape tunnels.

Guilds and Factions

The druids of the Wildmother have a strong presence in the city, as well as acolytes of the Lawbearer and Forgekeeper. The city functions as a branch outpost for the Pale Ravens, who must maintain a watch on the area due to the presence of the Underdark sinkhole in the near north.
Large city

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