Mysterious Woods Building / Landmark in Gm's Hyrule | World Anvil
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Mysterious Woods

The mysterious woods is the dark part of the northern forest. It has within it a mirror to Termina that transforms those who get close to it. Many stalfos are pooring out of it, and Suha is protecting the mirror with a group of Asteria's puppets. It has many Zonai ruins.

Purpose / Function

It was once a Zonai Settlement.


Every 6 squares or 1 round of combat, the players gets 1 count closer to becoming stal/skulkids. If they get to a count of 60, they fully transform.   Inside the stump, this count is lowered to 1 every 4 squares and 2 points per round of combat.

Sensory & Appearance

Extremely dark, vision is lowered to half unless they have dark vision or a light source.


  • 2 X Bomb
  • 2 X Bomb
  • M. Part R1
  • 2 X Bomb
  • 4 X Bomb


The forest has grown dark, the settlement is just ruins, and the mirror to Termina has cursed the area.


Zonai style ruins, crumbled away and barely visible.


The ruins are past the lost woods and the deku tree, surrounded in terrible dark magic, stalfos, and a skulkid.


The Zonai who lived here were few, but after the civil war, they were banished with Shinzo/Magnus
Founding Date
Civil war
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
All water is mire
Additional Rulers/Owners
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