The Star of the River Geographic Location in Glorion | World Anvil
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The Star of the River

Many wise and experienced people believe magic, a curious, mysterious, and dangerous power can alternate the nature. They believe the stars are something that can be alternated by events of powerful magic. Some masters of astronomy believe the stars are reflections of the use of magic throughout the land. This statement caused many people to believe the Star of the River is formed by powerful usage of river magic.


Once a year, a bright star which has the colour of the sea appears above the Great River around the the Middle Pass for around a week. This star can be told apart from the other stars by its glowing blue light. Some masters suspect the place where the blue star appears above is the place where a major event of magic took place.


There are no exact known history to the Star of the River, however, there is a tale, The Ruin of the Great River runs parallel in terms of the time when the tales were told and where the tales took place. The earliest written versions of the Blue Star's Sighting wrote: "It was evening as I admired the stars when an aurora of pale blue colour formed around a certain point in the sky. The breeze was strong, and it felt like a force from the river. Then the aurora focused on one point and purified it. The aurora was gone, so was the breeze, but a new star with the colour of the Great River appeared." The Ruin of the Great River told of a time when the spirit of the Great River gave the lord of the Elves of the Red Woods a gift of great value. A stone from the river was purified by the water magic when the spirit poured the power of the Great River inside. The tale then said, "The power of the spirit of the Great River no longer rest in the river, and magic opened an eye of blue in the sky." The stone is known as the Heart of the Rivers. Conveniently, when this event happened at evening. The Masters of Knowledge have the suspicion that the "eye of blue in the sky" referrers to a blue star.
Alternative Name(s)
The Blue Star

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