SF-88 Rhino Item in Ghala | World Anvil
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SF-88 Rhino

The SF-88 Rhino is a semi automatic rifle made by the Vulpis Union. The Rhino is a hard hitting rifle desinged to compete with the M-202 Erebus, however it is notorious for it's unreliable firing action. Chambered in 308 Union and fires from an 8 round top loaded stripper clip.   2d10 peircing per attack (2 bullets per attack)   When making an attack roll with the Rhino, roll 1d4 alongside the d20. If a 1 or 2 is rolled, the weapon will jam and be unable to fire on the next attack action. It will take one attack action to clear the jam. If a 3 or 4 is rolled, nothing happens and the weapon functions without issue.   Range 300 ft effective 1,200 ft max   Can use 3 modifications (sight, muzzle, ammunition)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Rhino uses a gas operated rotating bolt to fire 40 rounds per minute
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Related Technologies
Owning Organization
Common. This rifle is widely used by the Vulpis Union's ground forces. As such, it is fairly easy to find. However, due to the rifles reliability issues the Union is looking to replace it.
11 lbs
3 ft long
Base Price
100 GP
Raw materials & Components
Iron construction with oak furnishings

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