General Rank/Title in GG's | World Anvil
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General staff take care of any and all non-specific and miscellaneous tasks. They’re often saddled with work that other classes aren’t willing to cover.   All new employees are settled in to the General class when first hired. This allows them time to learn the mechanics of the club's needs and inner workings, as well as allows them the opportunity to discover and change ranks, should their personal skillsets allow for it.   Clearance: All Floors, B1 & B2   Recreation: Scheduled access only   Seniority: General staff have no internal seniority involved, answering to the other classes as necessary.   Allowance: 30 Credits weekly.  


New employees have a five-year probationary period during which they are required to stay in the General job rank. This allows them the time to learn about the club and to develop the necessary skills and resistances required to survive in GG's. During this time, employees will likely experience their [break], allowing for senior staff to weed out weaker souls from the club's employees.   After this probation, new employees are evaluated and, depending on the progress and skills they have shown during this time, they may be asked to relocate to a different job. This is almost always a positive change, as general staff are only one step above [drones] in the internal GG's hierarchy. Employees that are not relocated are able to request a re-evaluation once every ten years to attempt to move up in rank.   Employees that fail to move up in rank, do not survive their break, or are deemed unsuitable for continued existence in GG's are demoted to [drone] status.

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