The Merlinian Council Organization in Generation of wonders | World Anvil
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The Merlinian Council

The Merlinian Council is the ruling body of Camelot, lead by the Prime Merlinian.
It is their role to govern and make decisions regarding the future direction of magic in the world, as they consider themselves to be wardens of all magic.
The councilors are chosen from among the most prominent members of the order, and each raised to the rank of Magus Supreme, each in charge of a different aspect of administration.
Current members include -
  • Supreme Magus Cognitum, Duke Charles Porter III - Responsible for tracking effots and inteligence gathering used by magus errants hunting potential magical threats
  • Supreme Magus Castellum, Jane De La Croix - Responsible for the maintainance of the castle and it's security as well as maintenance of the surrounding teritories that belong to the city state of camelot.
  • Supreme Magus Arcanum, Yukiko Musashi - Responsible for the arcane research and teaching of students in the castle's school.
Former members -
  • Founder of the Order and it's previous leader, Merlin of Camelot (Deceased)

  • Former Supreme Magus Securitas, Isolde Von Everec
  • Former Supreme Magus Arcanum, Abanazar El Nisir (Deceased)
  • Former Supreme Magus CognituDuke Charles Porter II (Deceased)
  • Former Supreme Magus Castelum Baleron De Savage (Deceased)

Public Agenda

The council is meant to lead the Merlinian wizards in their quest to bind and oversee magic, as well as serve as a legislative body for the city state of Camelot.


The first council of Camelot consisted of a mixture of king Arthur's knightly court as well as wizards who studied under Archmage Merlin of Camelot.
along the years, as the mages took a more prominent place in the court, their representation in the council grew, until the knights of the round table were replaced entirely.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, City council
Head of State
Head of Government
Parent Organization

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