Super Hero (License) Profession in Generation of wonders | World Anvil
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Super Hero (License)

In order to become a Super Hero in the modern world one must recieve their operating license, many dream to act as a proffesional hero, which is considered an exciting and prestigious career, even if it could be a dangerous one.   Every hero who recieves their license is added to the G.E.A.R database and rankings, the global extrahuman approval registary, the organization is a noneprofit meant to assist and register the various supers in the world as well as dispatch them when necessary, they are also responsible of handling protector contracts. recently the organization has been on somewhat of a slump after a change in management resulting from a major bribary scandal, the new board consists of well known retired heroes and public figures. most of the organization's funding comes from donors, both private and corporate.



In order to recieve a license, one must complete a degree course in a goverment approved place of education, pass both a goverment mandated theoretical and practical exams, be approved by a board of acting heroes and be at least 21 years of age (a junior hero/sidekick license is also possible for those between the ages of 13 to 21 with different limitations)

Career Progression

A young hero can become a fully licensed hero at 21, recieving full benefits and lifting restrictions. before that he may either be a sidekick to a licensed hero, or grouped into a young team who work under the supervision and chaperoneship of either an institute (such as the mages who's work is supervised by the merlinian order) or an individual licensed veteran.
After recieving their full license heroes can apply to be protectors of specific locations, which may come with special benefits or funding.

Payment & Reimbursement

Most licensed heroes are payed a wage for their work, that wage starts out very small, rarely enough to support a new young hero, but through Protector contracts and other sponsorships major heroes are often very wealthy individuals, who do not need a secondary job to sponsor their crime fighting.

Other Benefits

Asides from the social position and adulations heores typicaly recieve, there are several laws that protect and exemt on duty heroes from certain finable offences under special emergency powers granted to them while handling an active crime, these range from parking violations to being unliable for damages to personal property, depending on circumstance.



The stated goal of a licensed superhero is to use their extraordinary powers to defend society and the peace from any threat that may arise, however due to it's glamorous cultural place many see it as a step towards glory, and many others as a tool to use their powers freely.

Social Status

Super Heroes Are Cool.
In modern society heroes are considered the best of humanity, defenders of the meek as well as celebreties, the popular heroes thrive on public adoration, making most of their money from commercial sponsorships, wealthy donations and such. the social status of the proffesion atracts many to study and take the exams, seeking to become celebraties more then civil protectors.


Mostly those who are well off and have powers tend to make it through the exams, going to the more prestigious well funded private schools, those with less resources often have to do with the public partly sponsored version, or hope to catch the eye of an active hero who can take them under their wing.


Powered self styled heroes were a large part of WW2 propaganda, with soldiers being presented like a serial hero come to life, many of those who returned home, along with the next generation who grew up hearing these stories lead to the emergence of self styled superheroes during the next few decades, these vigilantes varied from the truely heroic servants and protectors, to those who only wished to indulge in their powers. during the early 1960s a boom of such youngsters came into their own, leading the british goverment to define and enact the restrictions on super heroes we see today, with the first school opening as a military academy. during the 1990's during the super hero population boom that followed the arrival of both Camelot and the Matsya many countries, including the british empire subcontracted some of the educational process to private companies who were allowed to create private schools for super heroics, creating the competative academic standards of today.



Active heroes must register in the national index, where they can also recieve protector contracts, those allow them a larger salary and gives them certain streets, neighborhoods, or even cities to patrol, depending on their power rankings.
Alternative Names
Empowered Civil Servants
Public Services
Other Associated professions
Related Locations

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