King Jerrold II Character in Gelliria | World Anvil
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King Jerrold II

King Jerrold Ozalum (a.k.a. The Emerald Lord)

Jerrold was the second child of King Gideon V and Queen Seraphina and as followed tradition was set to command the armies of Ozalum. Jerrold was an incredibly successful General training his troops rigorously and with unwavering loyalty to the crown; and himself.
Shortly after his brother Mansfield was crowned, an assassin snuck in to the palace and poisoned him. Jerrold sent a number of his elite troops on a perilous journey to try and find the cure for this poison, not for love of his brother, but fear that he would have to take over as ruler in his stead. Jerrold despised politics and much preferred making decisions by the sword.
Unfortunately, his troop’s quest was fruitless and King Mansfield the first died in agony within a week.
As Mansfield had no wife and no sire, Jerrold was forced to take over as king of Ozalum. Now law and tradition in Ozalum stated the King or Queen of the Country could not also command its armies, but Jerrold refused to give up his position and the army insisted that Jerrold continue as their commander.
Many of the standing council disagreed with this matter, and as they raised their worries in defiance they each were promptly ‘removed’ from their positions on the council (and their mortal coil). With the number of council members greatly reduced, Jerrold was forced to take on a political role for which he was not at all prepared. So, he sought out someone who knew what they were doing. This was what lead to Jerrold’s first marriage.
During a period in Ozalum’s army, Jerrold came across a young Captain by the name of Paulette Rosebrook, a member of one of the lesser noble households of Ozalum, she had been forced into military service to try and raise the position of their household. Paulette was not suited for battle and did not outwardly enjoy violence but she did have a good head for strategy, tactics and was good at understanding the needs of people. These were exactly the qualities Jerrold was looking for and he took Paulette as his Queen (greatly elevating the status of the Rosebrooks).
A decade of great success followed for Ozalum, with Paulette dealing with the logistics of running a country and Jerrold continued to run the military and expand the borders of their nation. As the years passed Jerrold and Paulette came to care for one another and what was once a marriage of convenience became a union between two hearts and minds.
They had two children Melar, and Arnolt and these descendants returned to the original traditions of Ozalum with Melar learning from his mother how to rule the country and Arnolt training in the army under his father.
A period of great prosperity passed for the nation; borders expanded, technologies and magics flourished and the people had want for naught. But this, as is often the case did not last.
At a great banquet celebrating the anniversary of the King and Queen, disaster struck. As the Queen finished her toast celebrating her love for Jerrold she took a large swig from her goblet of wine, before staggering and falling to the ground unconscious. An assassin had struck again.
However, this time Jerrold was prepared, after the death of his brother he had hired a team of mages to place magical wards on the palace that would prevent any would-be assassins from escaping. The assassin was caught and brought before the king.
King Jerrold stepped down from his dais, having donned his ceremonial armour in place of the robes he had been wearing to the banquet. He stepped towards the bloodied man kneeling before him with a purposeful stride and wrath in his eyes.
"So, you are the assassin sent to kill my wife it would seem? Do you contest this remark?"
"I do not."
The guard holding the man punched him "Address his majesty correctly, scum!"
"I do not contest... sire."
"Excellent, we have an honest assassin in our midst!" Jerrold said aloud to the crowd of nobles gathered in the hall who chuckled uncomfortably. "So, tell me assassin, who are you?"
"Who I am is of no importance all that matters is the work that I must achieve...... sire"
"Well, you have chosen a most noble profession it would seem. Who is it that employs you then? Who lines your pockets with gold so that you have the gall to harm the Royal Family? Some far-off country hoping to destabilise my rule?"
"There are no coins lining my pockets. All that matters is the work that I must achieve. And your enemies lie far closer to home than you think." A punch from the guard "Sire."
"You are beginning to irk me assassin. I will find out who has you under their employ one way or another. Especially seeing as I have news that they must be eager to here."
"What news is that?"
The guard kicked the assassin, "Do not question the king!"
"That was a fair question, no need for violence." Jerrold walked closer to the man and crouched in front of him. "The news is that we recognise the poison you used. It is the same poison that killed my brother. We already have the antidote in the meister's stores. So, your mission has failed. The queen will live. And you will suffer greatly for this." Jerrold stood and turned away from the assassin "Take him to the cells, he shall be dealt with later"
The guards reached down to grab the assassin, but the assassin had begun to laugh. Quietly to begin with, but as the moments passed it grew louder and louder. The guard punched again, yelling at him to be quiet but the laughter continued. Jerrold turned around to face the assassin, "What amuses you so?"
"You arrogant, arrogant man! You really think that the poison used on the queen is the same that killed your brother. I would not be so foolish. The brew that I made for your brother may seem to match that which ails the queen but I can assure you that no remedy resides within this palace for this new concoction!"
Jerrold stood for a moment listening to the man's words before turning to the guards. "Bring him to his feet."
The guard picked the man up roughly and set him facing the king.
"Remove his chains. The leg irons too."
The guards glanced at each other before removing the bonds from the assassin. As they were removed, he looked at the king quizzically while rubbing his sore wrists.
"Do you only understand poisons or have you trained with sword?"
The assassin didn't respond, unsure of this sudden change in questioning. He looked the king up and down, he bore no weapon of any kind despite being heavily armoured.
"I thought you were an honest assassin! Have you trained with sword?" Jerrold barked.
"Uh... Yes... Sire..."
"Guard, give him your blade."
"I SAID GIVE HIM YOUR BLADE!" The shout echoed around the room, causing the nobles to jump.
The guard unsheathed the blade at his hip and handed it to the assassin.
"I have three more questions for you, assassin. The answers of which will decide the outcome of this current situation. So, do not lie to me, do you understand?"
The assassin nodded, gripping the hilt of the blade tightly. If he timed it right he could probably take out the guards, and deal enough of a blow to the king to open a window of escape.
"My first question is this; were you responsible for the death of my brother, King Mansfield the First, rightful heir to the throne, the Emerald Lord and ruler of all Ozalum?"
The assassin looked around the room, the guards had backed far enough away that they weren't going to be an issue. He steeled himself and looked at the King. "It was the actions of the Ozalum royal family that were responsible for his death, but yes, it was I that laced his wine with poison."
"My second question; Is the poison that you gave my wife, Queen Paulette the Emerald Lady and ruler of all Ozalum, truly without antidote?"
The assassin looked at the window, it was what? A 35ft drop? He'd survived worse. "The poison was created solely for this task. It has never been seen before and so, has no known antidote." This was it, he was ready to flee.
"My final question is this," King Jerrold breathed deeply "Are you ready to die?"
Before the assassin could finish the word, he looked down to see a blade pushed to the hilt jammed into his stomach. A greatsword, with a glimmering green blade protruding out of his back. He locked eyes with King Jerrold, whose face was mere inches from his own.
Jerrold stared back and in a voice, barely higher than a whisper "Sentence has been passed." The sword in the assassin's hand clattered to floor as his grip slackened. He reached up and gripped the King's shoulder. It was impossible, he thought, in his last moments struggling for breath. The King, in full plate had crossed 15 feet in the blink of an eye. Had summoned a sword from nowhere and plunged it into his body.
As his legs began to weaken, and the blood fled his body he used the last of his essence to force out the words
"Fear.... the reckoning.... of... The Society...... sire..."
And the life left his body.
King Jerrold unsheathed his ancestral blade from the corpse and stowed it once more on his back, before storming out of the hall to his wife's chambers. But by the time he arrived, Queen Paulette had already perished.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Incredibly muscular.

Facial Features

Ruggedly handsome. Jerrold has long black hair and an a short, unruly beard.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a scar on his right eye from his time in the military.

Special abilities

Jerrold is an Eldritch Knight and can summon his weapon at will.

Apparel & Accessories

Jerrold can usually be found wearing the ceremonial armour of the head of Ozalum's military. Over which he wears a heavy fur cloak to protect from the cold weather of the Southern Ice Shelf.

Specialized Equipment

Currently wields one of Ozalum's Protectors, the Greatsword, one of a set of weapons forged during the early days of Ozalum.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Although his military training is exceptional, Jerrold shirked his more academic studies. Outside of the history of his own family Jerrold is not very knowledgeable on such subjects.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Conquered the Frost Warren Elves

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to save Queen Paulette from being killed and many of his citizens hate him for it.

Mental Trauma

Both his brother and first wife were assassinated

Morality & Philosophy

Jerrold believes that those with power are the only ones who deserve it. As such he will stop at nothing to remain on the throne.

Personality Characteristics


Wishes to make Ozalum the most powerful country on Kunnaria. Seeks to find the people responsible for the death of his brother and wife.


Family Ties

Jerrold is currently married to Queen Phayerora of the Frost Warren Elves. His two sons with his first wife are Prince Melar and Prince Arnolt. His daughter is Princess Aldarae.

Religious Views

Jerrold is a follower of Tempus and believes that his conquest are the ultimate worship of him.

Social Aptitude

Jerrold has no time for people he does not see as his equal, which causes problems during meetings with his citizens.


Speaks with confidence and veiled threat. Has a voice in the lower registers and can go from speaking softly to shouting in a heartbeat.


Queen Phayerora

Wife1 (Vital)

Towards King Jerrold II



King Jerrold II

Husband (Important)

Towards Queen Phayerora



Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

As the ruler of the Ozalum Dynasty, Jerrold has access to all the wealth the family has accrued over 5 centuries.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King Jerrold the Second, Rightful Heir to the Throne, the Emerald Lord and Ruler of All Ozalum
Year of Birth
1385 AC 54 Years old
Current Residence
Long, black
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Jerrold speaks reads and writes Common and Halfling. He attempted to learn Elvish, but found it tedious and relies on translators instead.
Ruled Locations

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