Centhian Species in Gelathur | World Anvil
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Centhians are four legged ennathians, they can run as fast as a horse, even when carrying full armor. They are strong, so you have to pay attention, because they will appear to strike to then gallop away as fast as they came. And really important, dont just pay attention to his arms, check his hooves or you may recieve a powerful kick.
  • Imperial Soldier

Basic Information


Centhians have four legs ending with hooves, two arms, two eyes, ears, one mouth and nose. They whole body is covered with fur, and have a robust built.

Genetics and Reproduction

After mating, the female with give offspring after seven months.

Growth Rate & Stages

The newborn centhian will grow until he is five years old, by then he will be considered an adult.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Centhians are omnivores
50 years
Average Height
2-2.5 metres
Average Weight
500-1000 kg
Average Length
2.5-2.8 metres

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