The Monk in Gehane | World Anvil
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The Monk




Level 1:

Monk's Training:

You can take any Talent that is available to Monks.
Starting Talents:

You become a Novice in the Body Training and Unarmed Style talents.
You have trained your body to take all kinds of abuse.

Novice: When not wearing armor, you can use your Constitution (Stamina) as your Armor Rating.
Journeyman: When not wearing armor, you can add your Dexterity (Acrobatics) to your Speed.
Master: When not wearing armor, you can add your Willpower (Self-Discipline) to your Armor Rating.
You know a thing or two about brawling.
Novice: Your hands are as tough as iron. When you attack with your fist, you inflict 1d6 damage instead of 1d3.
Journeyman: Your punch can drop the toughest opponents. You can perform the Knock Prone stunt for 1 stunt point instead of the usual 2 when attacking with your fist or a gauntlet.
Master: You can’t be disarmed, but the same can’t be said of your opponents. When performing the Disarm stunt, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll in the opposed test.

Level 2

New Ability Focus:

You now gain one of the following ability focuses: Constitution (Stamina), Dexterity (Acrobatics), or Willpower (Self-Discipline).
Monk Style:

When not wearing armor or wielding weapons outside your known weapon groups, you can take an Activate action to go into Monk Style. Your Monk Style grants a +1 bonus to Defense. This lasts as long as you remain in Monk Style or choose to end it as a free action.   Note: If you know multiple Monk styles (Crane, Snake, and Tiger), you can take an Activate action to switch between your known styles. This is useful to gain different bonuses for different situations.  

Level 3

New Talent:
You become a Novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.  

Level 4

New Specialization:
You may choose one specialization for your class. You gain the Novice degree of its specialization talent.  

Level 5

New Talent:
You become a Novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.  
Monk Form:
Monk Form is a special stunt that you can perform for 1 SP to change into a different Monk Style immediately without having to use an Activate action. For example, if you were in the Crane Style and stunted on your Attack, you could spend 1 SP to switch to your Snake Style (if you've learned the Journeyman degree of that talent, you could use the Lightning Attack Stunt for 2 SP instead of 3 SP).

Level 6

New Specialization:
You gain the Journeyman degree in the specialization talent you gained at level 4.  

Level 7

Deflect Missile:
After a successful missile attack against you, you can immediately attempt to deflect the missile, though doing so "uses" your Minor action on your next turn, leaving you with only a Major action. Make a Dexterity (Legerdemain) test against the attack roll. If you succeed, you deflect the missile and take no damage. If you fail, the attack hits and you take damage like normal. If you succeed on the test by 3 or more, you catch the missile and instantly make a throwing attack with it as a free action. This attack cannot generate stunt points. Once you attack in this way, you cannot attempt to Deflect Missile again until you complete a short rest.  

Level 8

New Specialization:
You gain the Master degree in the specialization talent you gained at level 4.  

Level 9

New Talent:
You become a Novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.  

Level 10

Knife Palm:
You can debilitate opponents with sharp blows to vulnerable areas. If your Dexterity is higher than your target's, you can attempt this attack as a Major action once per round. If successful, you inflict no damage but your opponent must make a successful Constitution (Stamina) vs. the attack roll test or take a -2 penalty to Attack and Defense until the end of the encounter. This attack can generate Stunt Points.  

Level 11

New Talent:
You become a Novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.  

Level 12

New Specialization:
You may choose one specialization for your class. You gain the Novice degree of its specialization talent.  

Level 13

Iron Fists:
Your unarmed attacks have a base damage of 2d6 instead of 1d6.  

Level 14

New Specialization:
You gain the Journeyman degree in the specialization talent you gained at level 12.

Level 15

New Talent:
You become a Novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.      

Level 16

New Specialization:
You gain the Master degree in the specialization talent you gained at level 12.  

Level 17

New Talent:
You become a Novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.  

Level 18

You do not require sleep; instead, you can meditate for four hours a day to receive the same benefits.  

Level 19

New Talent:
You become a Novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have.  

Level 20

Epic Monk:
Pick one type of stunt (combat, exploration, or roleplaying). You gain a +1 bonus when generating stunt points of that type.
Crane Style
Classes: Monk
Requirements: Perception 2 or higher.
The way of the crane is that of awareness, grace, and finesse maximizing your potential for defense.
Novice: Your Monk Style is replaced with Crane Style. The Defense bonus is increased to +2.
Journeyman: While in Crane Style, you can use the Defensive Stance Stunt for -1 SP. When you do, you gain a +3 bonus to Defense instead of the usual +2.
Master: You are hard to pin down in combat. While you are in Crane Style, opponents do not gain an attack bonus for outnumbering you in melee combat. Normally, attackers can gain up to a +2 bonus in such circumstances.
Snake Style
Classes: Monk
Requirements: Dexterity 2 or higher.
The way of the snake is aimed at striking quickly, each hand like a serpent, from different angles.   Novice: Your Monk Style is replaced with Snake Style. You gain a +1 bonus to Attack in addition to the +1 bonus to Defense.
Journeyman: While in Snake Style, you can use the Lightning Attack Stunt for -1 SP but the second attack must come from your fist.
Master: You can overwhelm opponents with blows from both fists. If you make a melee attack with your weapon, and you are not charging, you can make another attack with your fist as a minor action. The second attack cannot generate stunt points, and you only add half of your Strength (rounded down) to damage.
Tiger Style
Classes: Monk Requirements: Strength 2 or higher.
Fearsome and strong like the tiger, this style incorporates great leaps, fear tactics, and powerful strikes to devastating effect.
Novice: If you fail a Strength (Jumping) test you may re-roll but you must keep the second result. Additionally, you can use the Threaten Stunt for -1 SP to a minimum of 1 SP.
Journeyman: Your Monk Style is replaced with Tiger Style. While in Tiger Style and attacking with fists, you can perform the Mighty Blow Stunt for -1 SP.
Master: While in Tiger Style, you can perform the Pounce Stunt for 2 SP allowing you to make a second attack as a free action that does not generate stunt points while charging.


Monkey Kata Legend Talent
Classes: Monk Requirements: Dexterity 3 or higher and the Dexterity (Acrobatics) focus.
Legends tell of monks like the monkey kings and gods of old, using trickery, acrobatics, and incredible speed to take opponents off guard. Novice: Nothing gets in your way. If you fail a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test, you can re-roll it, but must keep the results of the second roll. Additionally, you can use the Taunt stunt for 1 SP instead of the usual 2.
Journeyman: When in Monk Style, you can use the Lightning Attack Stunt for -1 SP, but the second attack must come from your fist.
Master: You can unleash a storm of blows on your opponents. While in Monk style, you can perform the Flurry of Blows Stunt for 5 SP which allows you to make two additional fist attacks, at the same target or at others nearby. Neither of the additional attacks can generate stunt points.
Dragon Breath Legend
Classes: Monk Requirements: Accuracy and Willpower 2 or higher.
The Monks of the ancient dragon orders could actually manifest magic power from their fists that emulated dragon's breath.   Novice: Your unarmed attacks are considered to be magical.
Journeyman: You can add your Willpower to your unarmed attacks.
Master: You can use Arcane Blast as if you were a mage. You must choose an amulet, gauntlet, ring, weapon, or some other item to be your arcane device. Your range is 12 yards instead of the usual 16. Should you lose your arcane device or your connection to it, you must spend 2 hours of meditation to attune a new device.
Drunken Fist Legend Talent
Classes: Monk Requirements: Constitution 2 or higher and the Constitution (Drinking) focus.
Legends of Drunken Masters who use alcohol to increase their fighting ability, these fighters have incredible power over their bodies combined with unpredictable attacks.   Novice: When you are drunk and go into your Monk Style, you go into Drunken Fist Style instead. You retain your usual Style bonuses and gain an additional +1 bonus to your damage rolls and Armor rating. However, you suffer a -2 penalty to Intelligence and Perception tests. This lasts until the end of the encounter or you take a short rest to end the effect.
Journeyman: Your body is a shield. If you fail a Constitution (Stamina) test you may re-roll but must keep the results of the second roll.
Master: You are immune to the effects of poison, including alcohol poisoning. This does not affect the penalty you take at the Novice degree.
Eagle Claw Legend Talent
Classes: Monk Requirements: Dexterity and Strength 2 or higher.
A master of controlling your opponent with hand and grapple techniques, when you get in close and grab onto an enemy, it's lethal.   Novice: If you're in range to use a melee attack, and in Monk Style, you can use grapple moves as your weapon. You initiate a Grapple Contest instead of an Attack Roll, dealing 1d6 + Strength damage upon success in addition to their usual effects.
Journeyman: You're better with your wrestling style. You can perform the Joint Lock Stunt for 3 SP which allows you to manipulate your opponent's limbs in such a way to cause excruciating pain. They take a -2 penalty to their Dexterity and Strength tests for the rest of the encounter. This penalty does not accumulate if used multiple times.
Master: Your grapples are vicious. You deal 2d6 + Strength on successful Grapple Tests now instead of the usual 1d6 + Strength.
Praying Mantis Legend Talent
Through meditation, anything is possible. These masters of mind and will have an incredible power of Chakra, some legends speaking of them resisting elements, charms, turning invisible, and walking on water.   Blending Features: Only active at night or in deep shadows, light seems to bend or pass through you, making you harder to see and invisible in mirrors. You can apply a +2 bonus to your Dexterity (Stealth) tests against Perception (Seeing) tests at night or in total darkness. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to Defense in darkness.     Feather Feet: If you succeed at a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test and you would normally reduce your fall damage, you reduce that damage to 0 instead. Additionally, you can run on water provided you do not stop moving at a speed lower than your Run Speed. Soul Sense: If you fail a Communication (Investigation) or Perception (Empathy) test while Soul Sense is active, you may re-roll it but must keep the second result.
Classes: Monk Requirements: Willpower 3 or higher and the Willpower (Self-Discipline) focus.
Novice: You gain a +1 bonus to resist magic when in Monk Style.
Journeyman: If you fail a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test, you may re-roll it but must use the second result.
Master: You can spend 1 minute of meditation to gain the Blending Features, Feather Feet, or Soul Sense ability for 5 minutes. You can do this a number of times equal to half your Willpower (to a minimum of 1) before needing a long rest to use them again.

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