Soulbound in Gehane | World Anvil
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You haven’t just devoted yourself to the study of magic, you’ve bartered part of yourself away for mystic power. While this specialization conjures images of selling one’s soul to Primals, Genies/Djinn, or eldritch horrors from beyond time and space, not all soulbound are so sinister. A mage might tie his lifeforce or mystical energies to a benevolent spirit or deity. In any event, being soulbound means binding oneself to arcane forces in exchange for increased mystical might. In some cultures, priests and clerics are merely soulbound mages who have made a pact with their patron deities. The exact terms of a soulbound’s bargain and what they must do to satisfy its terms are left for the player and GM to work out. It’s not an ever-present burden, but it is an eventuality that will need to be addressed.
Soulbound Talent
Requires: You must have a Willpower of 2 or higher and Intelligence (Arcane Lore). In addition, you have made a bargain with a powerful entity that will one day come due.
You are bound to higher forces, gaining power at a price.


Your arcane patron makes it easier for you to channel raw power into your magic. You may perform the Mighty Spell and Powerful Casting stunts for -1 SP.
You can glean insight from your arcane patron. Once per encounter, you may spend 3 MP to gain a +2 to one test you attempt
Your magical power is bolstered by the bargains you have made. Permanently increase your Spellpower by 2.

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