Monkey Kata Legend in Gehane | World Anvil
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Monkey Kata Legend

Monkey Kata Legend Specialization
Classes: Monk
Requirements: Dexterity 3 or higher and the Dexterity (Acrobatics) focus.
Legends tell of monks like the Rakshi kings and heroes of old, using trickery, acrobatics, and incredible speed to take opponents off guard.
Nothing gets in your way. If you fail a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test, you can re-roll it, but must keep the results of the second roll. Additionally, you can use the Taunt stunt for 1 SP instead of the usual 2.
When in Monk Style, you can use the Lightning Attack Stunt for -1 SP, but the second attack must come from your fist.
You can unleash a storm of blows on your opponents. While in Monk style, you can perform the Flurry of Blows Stunt for 5 SP which allows you to make two additional fist attacks, at the same target or at others nearby. Neither of the additional attacks can generate stunt points.

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