Miracle Worker in Gehane | World Anvil
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Miracle Worker

While magic can indeed work wonders, the mysteries of life and death ultimately lie in the hands of the gods themselves. Still, some mages become so skilled in the arts of medicine, herbalism, and healing that they gain reputations as “miracle workers” when it comes to sustaining the fragile embers of life and fanning them back into a full and healthy flame, no matter how low they seem to have ebbed. Some miracle workers serve as doctors or healers in great cities or feudal courts, while others are lone hermits, preferring solitude, save for when someone in need comes to the door.  
Miracle Worker Talent
Requires: You must have Intelligence and Willpower 2 or higher and Healing Arcana (Journeyman).
You have a naturally affinity for healing magic. .
Your magic teems with life energy. When you cast Healing Arcana spells, targets regain extra Health equal to your Willpower.
When you cast the Healing Touch spell, you can spend an extra 5 MP to cure the target of a single disease.
Your magic can bring back the recently dead. You can cast a more powerful version of the Revival spell for 25 MP. The target can have been dead for up to 2 minutes. Normally, Revival only works on the dying, not the dead.

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