Marked in Gehane | World Anvil
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While body art is known in many cultures, the Marked take it to a new level. Their tattoos, scars, and other body modifications have been enchanted to provide exceptional abilities. Mages cannot be marked, their internal magic fouls these enchantments. However, some rogues and warriors find the power granted from becoming one of the Marked too good to pass up. Many Marked find work as monster-hunters and bodyguards, their arcane protections making them ideal candidates to face threats others avoid.
Marked Talent
Requires: You must have Constitution and Willpower 3 or higher, and the Willpower (Self-Discipline) focus.
Your body is host to numerous enchanted markings, scars, or tattoos.


Gain one Mark from the following list:
  • Mark of Might:
    +1 damage in melee and +1 bonus to all Strength (Might) tests.
  • Mark of Speed:
    +1 speed and +1 bonus to all dexterity (initiative) tests.
  • Warding Marks: Reduce Spellpower of any spell targeting you by 2.
  • Bane Mark:
    Gain +2 bonus to attack and damage when fighting a class of creature (dragons, undead, etc.).
  • Mark of war:
    Store two one-handed weapons, one two-handed weapon, or a weapon and shield inside a mystical pocket dimension accessed through your mark. You can summon these weapons to your hands as a minor action.
  • Mark of Magic:
    You may gain the Arcane Blast power as if you were a mage.
  • SpiderMark:
    you can move along walls and ceilings at your normal speed.
  • FishMark:
    you can breathe underwater, suffer no penalties to operate underwater, and move at your normal speed while swimming.
  • Another mark of similar power level (with GM’s approval).
Gain another Mark.
Gain another Mark. Furthermore, your body is now infused with mystic energies, granting you a natural Armor Rating of 2.

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