Gangster in Gehane | World Anvil
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While rogues often find work in various criminal institutions, in truth anyone of a certain “flexible and pragmatic moral outlook” can become a gangster. Gangsters are the soldiers and bosses of various criminal cabals and syndicates found in most campaign settings. Gangsters specialize in using fear and intimidation as part of various criminal activities and they’re often considered to be more dangerous when working together than when they operate alone.
Gangster Talent
Classes:Mage, Monk, Rogue, Warrior
Requires: Must have a Willpower of 2 or higher and the Strength (Intimidation) focus or Communication (Deception) focus.
You are an important part of the world’s organized crime.


Your jibes and threats are quick, brutal, and hard to ignore. You can perform the Taunt or Threaten stunts for 1 SP instead of their usual cost of 2 SP.
You are exceptional at taking advantage of opportunities to push others to their limits through threats and careful lies. Any Communication (Deception) or Strength (Intimidation) tests you make that generate stunt points generate +1 SP than normal.
You are one of the movers and shakers of the underworld. You are considered to have the Contacts (Master) talent which you can only use with criminals, thieves, murderers, and other low-lives. If you already have the Contacts talent at Master or gain it later, you instead get a +2 circumstantial bonus with tests involving criminals and using that talent.

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