Find Familiar Spell in Gehane | World Anvil
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Find Familiar

You possess the arcane knowledge to summon a familiar to do your bidding. Once you've performed the ritual you gain the service of a familiar such as a regular small animal, a winged Gen or an artificial mechanical creation (You can ask the GM about ideas for Familiars).


The caster summons a servant that follows their commands, gives a +2 bonus on any test where it is capable of giving you aid, such as perception(seeing) tests while looking through the familiar's eye(s).

Side/Secondary Effects

  • If you possess magic points you can spend 1 magic point to see through its eyes for up to 10 minutes but your real body is deaf and blind while doing so. 
  • You can only have one familiar summoned at a time. However you can dismiss your familiar at any time, but to summon it again you must cast this ritual again.
Gestures & Ritual
If you've lost your familiar, it will take 1 hour, and 50 Silver Phedara in components, to resummon.
Effect Casting Time
1 Hour

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