Chaos Magic Spell in Gehane | World Anvil
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Chaos Magic

As orderly as people pretend magic is, you've realized that there's far more to the house of void than what is largely known. Ancient secrets sear your mind, preventing them from being spread willingly.   Gain the following stunts to spend Stunt Points on, when generated.
You or the target of your attack disappears and reappears in an open space on a solid surface 1d6*3 Ft
of the spot from which you or it left for each 1 SP you spend.
Insane Revelation:
You see all possible futures and divine an insight from them. You have a +2 bonus to the next test you make.
If you fail that test, however, you have a –2 penalty to all tests until the end of your following turn
Momentary Gigantism:
You swell in size as you make your attack.
You knock your target prone and then you deflate, moving up to 18 feet in any direction you choose.
Armor Clad:
Thick plates of chitin, stone, or something else spontaneously cover your body granting you a +2 bonus to your
Armor Rating against the next attack made against you. Then the protective growths crumble to dust.
Chaotic Form:
Your body undergoes a bizarre transformation that lasts for just a few moments before you return to your
normal form. The target of your attack has a –2 penalty on its next attack against you.
Warping Strike:
Your attack inflicts 1d6 extra damage and the next creature to attack that target has a +1 bonus on its test.
A surge of chaotic energies hurls your target 2d6*3 feet away from you. The target must succeed on a TN 9 Dexterity (aCrobatiCs) test or be knocked prone.
Flickering Assault:
After the attack, you disappear and reappear on a solid surface you could see within 30 feet of the place from which
you disappeared. You may then make another attack. If you roll doubles on this attack roll, you do not generate any more stunt points.
Spontaneous Explosion:
You explode and inflict 1d6 penetrating damage to each creature within 6 feet of you. You then reappear on a solid surface
you can see within 36 feet of the spot where you exploded.
Warp Reality:
Strange lights and eerie sounds surround you until your next turn. Until then, you have a +2 bonus to Defense. If a
creature gets a failure on its test to attack you, the creature cannot take a major action until the end of its next turn
Ending Strike:
Your attack inflicts an additional 2d6 damage and the target of your attack takes 1d6 penetrating damage at the
start of your next turn.
Lasting Mutation:
Chaotic energies warp your body. Choose one of your abilities and increase it by 1. Then, roll a d6; on an even number, you decide another ability to decrease by 1.
On an odd number, the GM decides. The ability decreased cannot be the same as the ability increased. In addition, you gain a physical mutation of your choice
that explains what happened. If your Strength increases, you might bulk up or increase your size. If your Intelligence increases, your skull could grow noticeably larger or you could go permanently bald

Side/Secondary Effects

The caster, their mind irreparably seared by the magic, losing 1 point of Intelligence permanently.  The Mage can still gain Intelligence through leveling up.

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