Blood Mage in Gehane | World Anvil
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Blood Mage

While all mages have a certain working knowledge of arcana, some choose to go deeper into the study of magic, delving into forbidden studies that many would criticize as... Unnatural. You must have the Blood Mage specialization to learn Blood Arcana  
Blood Mage Specialization
Requires: Constitution, and Willpower of 3 or Higher.
You have made a study of arcane lore and magic items.
You can use your own blood to power your spells. You must use the activate action to enter the Blood Magic mode. When casting a spell in this mode, you can inflict 1d6 penetrating damage on yourself and you gain mana points equal to the damage. The mana points so generated must be used on the spell you are casting this round; any excess are lost. You can use this mana to cast spells from any school but you must be in Blood Mage mode to cast Blood Spells. While in this mode, you cannot be healed with potions or healing spells. You can end Blood Magic mode with another activate action.
You can use the blood of a willing ally to power your spells. This works as per the novice degree, but your ally takes the damage. The ally must be within 6 yards of you when you cast the spell.
You can use anyone’s blood to power your spells. You can pick a target with in 6 yards of you and attempt to use their blood as a minor action. Success requires an opposed test of your Intelligence (Blood Arcana) vs. the target’s Willpower (Faith or Self-Discipline). If you win things work as per the journeyman degree and you inflict 2d6 penetrating damage to the target.

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