Beguiler Cantrip Spell in Gehane | World Anvil
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Beguiler Cantrip


The caster enhances their influence on the minds of others, gaining a +1d6 bonus to their next Communication test.

Side/Secondary Effects

If the cantrip is used more than five times on a target in a single day, they may make a willpower (Self-Discipline) check against the caster's Spellpower. If they pass, they will realize that all the times they've been beguiled.


When the target is beguiled, their muscles, and stance, will relax becoming far more receptive to suggestions.
Gestures & Ritual
The Caster must roll their wrist while tracing a circle with the tip of their index finger's movement.
Effect Duration
The effect lasts until a communication test is preformed. If a test is not preformed, the effect will fizzle away after five minutes.
Effect Casting Time
A minor action
20 feet
Applied Restriction
Important officials, and particularly their guards, may be aware of this trick, so be wary of the circumstance you preform it.

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