Beast Arcana in Gehane | World Anvil
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Beast Arcana

Through the aid of various nature spirits, the creatures of the wild and their abilities are yours to borrow.  


You learn two novice spells.


You learn one Journeyman Spell or one Novice Spell. You gain the focus Intelligence (Beast Arcana)  


You learn one Master Spell, Journeyman Spell, or Novice spell. You can also choose one spell stunt you can perform for –1 SP when casting Beast Arcana spells.  


Beast Senses
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Novice)
Spell Type:Utility MP Cost:3
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:12
Test: NONE
You can access the senses of a creature, using them as if they were your own. Choose a beast within 60 feet of you that you can perceive or that you know well. You may either: gain one of that beast’s Perception focuses or sensory Special Qualities, or perceive through the beast’s senses as if you were that beast. Either effect lasts for the remainder of the encounter, even if the beast moves more than the initial 20 yards away from you. If you are perceiving through the beast’s senses, your own are shut down and you are unaware of what is happening around you. You can pay the spell’s MP cost again to extend its duration for another encounter, even if the beast is some distance from you
Beast Speech
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Novice)
Spell Type:Utility MP Cost:3
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:12
Test: NONE
You can channel your magic to communicate with members of the beast world. For the remainder of the encounter, your speech becomes intelligible to all beasts and you can likewise understand their vocalizations as if they were speaking to you. Most natural beasts aren’t really great conversationalists, and cannot understand or convey complex concepts, but any beast that is not hostile towards you may at least be persuaded to tell you things it has recently seen or experienced, or things it knows about the local area. Communication tests may be required, and roleplaying stunts involving beasts are possible as a result of these tests.
Beast Summoning
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Novice)
Spell Type:Utility MP Cost:4
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:11
Test: NONE
You send out a mystic call that summons a nearby beast or group of beasts. A successful casting roll means the beasts hear your call from up to your level in miles away and come to you as quickly as they can under their own power. Summoned beasts are not under your control and behave normally according to their nature when they arrive at your location. You can use other arcana to communicate with the beasts or to convince them to do as you wish. You can choose to limit your summons to a particular type of beast (such as only birds of prey, Loqweh, or Sandsharks, for example) or even to a particular beast known to you, such as a pet or mount.
Power of the Wild
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Novice)
Spell Type:Enhancement MP Cost:8
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:12
Test: NONE
You magically “borrow” an aspect of a beast to improve your own abilities. Choose a type of beast with an ability score greater than one of your abilities. For one minute, you gain a +2 bonus to that ability, up to a maximum equal to the beast’s ability score. You also gain one focus the beast possesses for that ability. If you already have that focus, then your bonus with it increases from +2 to +3.
EXAMPLE Harrald the beast-master calls upon the Constitution of the Bear. Harrald has Constitution score of 2, lower then the bear, so he gains a +2 bonus, increasing to Constitution 4. He could go up to a maximum of 6, the same as a bear. He also gains the Stamina focus of Constitution, since that’s the only focus bears have for that ability. If Harrald already had that focus (he doesn’t), the focus bonus would increase to +3.
Power of the wild normally lasts for a minute, but you can pay an additional 5 MP for it to last an additional minute, once it is cast. At Journeyman degree, you can cast power of the wild on a subject other than yourself by touching them. The spell’s effects are the same otherwise.
Akin to the Beast
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Novice)
Spell Type:Enhancement MP Cost:4
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:13
Test: NONE
Morphing your physical form into a combination of your race, with something more bestial, you bolster your physical abilities. Roll Twice on the Beastkin Characteristics Table (Fantasy AGE Bestiary pg. 17) and add the results to your character. You cannot take the same benefit twice; reroll any roll that would give an effect you already benefit from. These effects last until the end of the encounter.
If you already have the Claws attack, but gain that benefit, increase claw damage by 1d6.
If you gain an Armor Rating of 5, but already wear armor, your AR increases to five, or gains 2, if it's already at five or higher.
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Novice)
Spell Type:Utility MP Cost:4
Casting Time: One Minute
Spell DC:11
Test: NONE
Studying a creature, you can magically mimic a special quality it possesses (AT THE GM'S DISCRETION) giving you the same ability for the amount of rounds equal to your willpower. This mockery cannot access special stunts, unless you can do it without this magic.   If you're a master in the Beast Arcana, you can double the MP cost, raise the Spell DC by two, to reduce the casting time to a major action.


Charm Beasts
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Journeyman)
Spell Type:Utility MP Cost:8
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:13
You magically charm a beast within 18 feet merely by making eye contact with it. The beast must make a Willpower (Morale) test against your Spellpower. If it fails, its attitude towards you for the remainder of the encounter becomes friendly and agreeable, as if you had trained it with the Novice degree of the Animal Training talent.   At Master degree, you can influence a charmed beast as if you had trained it to the Journeyman degree of Animal Training.
You can also cast charm beast on multiple beasts at once by paying an additional +2 MP per additional beast, up to a maximum of your Willpower.
Lesser Beast Form
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Journeyman)
Spell Type:Utility MP Cost:10
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:12
Test: NONE
You can actually take on the form of a beast, gaining all its physical abilities. You transform into a Minor Threat beast of your choice, remaining in that form for the rest of the encounter or until you choose to reassume your normal form. See the Fantasy AGE Bestiary for examples of Minor Threat beasts; examples include bat, boar, cat, crocodile, dog, eagle, or horse, among others. While in beast form, you retain your own Intelligence and Willpower (and focuses) and gain all of the beast’s other abilities and focuses.
You gain the beast’s Perception and Health or retain your own if they are higher. You cannot use your own physical or class abilities while in beast form, including casting other spells, and any carried or held equipment disappears, melding into your own form, and is unusable until you assume your normal form again.
Chimeric Mutation
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Journeyman)
Spell Type:Enhancement MP Cost:10
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:13
Test: NONE
You use your magic to manipulate a beast you can see. Using the remains of a beast (Such a tooth, or shell), you can infuse your subject with a chimeric mutation, giving it the Many Headed Special Quality, and the benefits of the Beast's entry on the Chimera Combinations table (Fantasy AGE Bestiary p. 25). Doing so causes the remains to disintegrate.   If you are a master in the Beast Arcana, you can instead cause a random mutation and apply the Many Headed Special Qualities and what ever results are rolled. In both cases, the effects a number of rounds equal to your Willpower.


Curse of the Beast
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Master)
Spell Type:Attack MP Cost:12
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:15
Test: WILLPOWER (Self-Discipline) vs. SPELLPOWER
YYour sorcery can transform a foe into the form of a humble beast. Choose a target within 18 feet of you, who must immediately roll a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test against your Spellpower. If the test fails, the target is transformed into a Minor Threat beast of your choice. The target loses all previous abilities and gains all of the beast’s abilities instead. Each round, the victim of the curse of the beast may roll a new Willpower test at the start of each of their turns as a free action. Success ends the spell, but four total failures mean the victim is permanently trapped in beast form until you either choose to end the spell or it is removed, such as by arcane abatement.
Greater Beast Form
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Master)
Spell Type:Utility MP Cost:15
Casting Time: Major Action
Spell DC:12
Test: NONE
Like lesser beast form, except you can transform into a Moderate Threat beast of your choice. See the Fantasy AGE Bestiary for options, including bear, tiger, and wolf. At the Game Master’s option, you can also transform into a Moderate Threat version of a Minor Threat beast, adding 1 to any three of the beast’s abilities, two focuses, and increasing Health by 5.
Vermin Growth
Requirements: Beast Arcana(Master)
Spell Type:Utility MP Cost:5-20
Casting Time: Major Action
Test: NONE
You are able to enlargen the size of vermin-like creatures (Such as a rat or spider), whether it's one you have captured and carry with you, or one you found in the wild nearby. It grows to the size of a small dog, and gain larger stats (Spider to Giant Spider Stats). and have a MP cost of 5 with a Spell DC of 14 to cast. You can spend increments of 5 MP to make it larger and deadlier.
  • 10MP
The Beast grows to medium size. It would have a DC of 16, and have the Elite template added.
  • 15MP
The Beast grows to large size, making it roughly the size of a bear. The beast would have the Heroic template added, and have a DC of 18.
  • 20MP
The beast grows to a huge size, around the size of an elephant. This beast would have the epic template added, and have a DC of 20. When adding templates, ignore the talent bonuses, and instead add one, two, or three Special Qualities found in Fantasy AGE Bestiary on Modifying Monsters (P.133) respectfully.   The Heroic and Large templetes,when applied, one of the special qualities must be giant sized, for Epic, In Charge is required. (Like in Fantasy AGE: Basic Rulebook in Ch.9 Adversaries).

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