Arcane Ward Spell in Gehane | World Anvil
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Arcane Ward

In a world of certain strife and violence, one must be prepared to be struck. It's wiser to reduce all damage as best you can.    Spend a single magic point, when struck by a damaging attack to erect a magical barrier to reduce harm from a single -nonpenetrating- strike.  


A magic barrier surrounds the caster to try and reduce damage as much as possible. 
Increase your ARMOR rating by 1d6 for a single attack.


Around the caster, a barrier - coded to the arcana that caster prefers most- forms to absorb as much damage as possible. Under stress, the shield will creek and groan,  only popping if the damage still gets through.
Material Components
An Arcane device
Effect Duration
For one of the enemy's attacks
Effect Casting Time
One Free Action

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