Arcane Blast Spell in Gehane | World Anvil
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Arcane Blast

Of all who temper with magic, be it through divine endowment, internal meditation, ferrous study, or alchemical trickery, an assured part of their arsenal is the Arcane Blast. Created by a multitude of means, the results largely share the traits of being a single target blast. The trusty blast requiring no sacrifice of magical power.


A singular attack blast that strikes your foes.
Attack Roll: Accuracy(Arcane Blast)


Due to the numerous ways to conjure an arcane blast, the spell's aesthetic depends largely on the caster. Influenced by the arcana the caster uses most, however they can be combined in a way.


It depends on the source of the Caster's magic.
Material Components
The caster's arcane device
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 Major Action
48 ft range
Cantrip Minor Magic

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