Fairy Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in GC3 | World Anvil
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Fairy Magic

Fairy magic, also commonly known as glamor, is about using one's knowledge and understanding of reality to alter the reality of others. While this magic comes naturally - and exclusively - to those with fay ancestry, it does require some training and understanding to actually use. The magician must first understand what the thing they seek to change is, how that thing is seen and thought of by others, and must summon the will - or magical might - to change one or both of those things. They alter others' perception of reality and then, depending on their willpower and inherent magical potency, enforce that perception onto reality to change it. Very few mortal fay are capable of truly warping reality to their will; they merely warp others' perception of reality. As such, glamors can be broken or "seen through" in certain cases.   A fay may, for example, wish to appear to be wearing a fancy outfit. When they arrive to their party, they may appear to be wearing a different fancy outfit to each person who looks at them, just as the idea of "fancy" may vary from person to person. These details are filled in by the minds of the viewers in most cases, as it takes serious training and concentration to weave more intentionally elaborate glamors that remain consistent among viewers.   Gentry are capable of truly and permanently warping reality with ease, as they are closest in essence to The Fay Queen. Naturally skilled, they only require a nickname or a title to gain the same power over someone as a fairy would with just a name. Though extraordinarily rare, a fay can be born "extraordinarily powerful", capable of shaping reality on the level equivalent to a Gentry.   Fairy magic is completely nullified by Aldrum and considerably weakened by iron.  


Even an untrained fairy can find themselves capable of weaving glamors with ease with the help of the name(s) of those they seek to deceive. With a name ("how it perceives itself and how it is perceived by others"), a fairy gains nigh-unlimited access to the person's sense of perception.
Metaphysical, Arcane
Usable By
Fay , fay-touched, and those descended from fay

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