Gentry Species in GC3 | World Anvil
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oh........ you know   Can take any shape/size/etc they like, godlike magical abilities, y'know. Able to take on mortals and act as their patron in the style of a Fay Warlock.   Immortal fays created directly by the Fairy Queen out of her own magic and the essence of mortals' most fascinating dreams and nightmares. Set in places throughout the world to find and shape fascinating new things, and of course make sure the fair folk don't come to great harm. Most of the Gentry have minds and worldviews greatly divorced from human- and even fairy- morality, maybe in part because they can't be bothered to try understanding it. They have no natural settled shape, being fashioned from insubstantial materials and concepts, but over the centuries they can assume forms they find useful and pleasing and may become especially fond of one of these shapes for use in interacting with mortals. They are every bit as capricious and volatile as their patron. Gentry are immortal, but can be destroyed by various means, and the Fairy Queen can make new members of this kind as she deems necessarily/neat. A group of Gentry ruling more-or-less together in a single domain is called a Court for purposes of this document/Discord server.   Their main tasks given by the Fairy Queen were to give the first fairy societies some guidance/order (not that they really had any experience in this area), making sure the fairies weren't threatened with great harm (a rather vague directive), and to help the Fairy Queen in shaping new and delightful things (from her perspective), usually meaning new kinds of fairies.   Domains of the Gentry:   - If one elder fay beings dwells in one place for centuries, the land itself will be warped by their presence and power into shapes elegant, frightening, or downright bewildering. Gravity hills have nothing on these places, although they pale in comparison to the Fairy Queen's palace. The flora and fauna will also be altered, and may become magical itself.   - At the heart of each of these domains the fabric of reality is frayed and then rewoven in strange fashion, allowing instant travel between domains (and, occasionally, an unexpected detour into the Fairy Queen's throne room). These places allow for dispersal of fairies across the world, out of their original placings, letting populations intermingle to develop new cultures and hybridize into new kinds of fairies naturally, without direct divine interaction (something the Fairy Queen finds fascinating to).   - The process of land changing due to the presence of an elder fay is accelerated if there are several Gentry in one place.   - Most domains were placed by the Fairy Queen herself, in that she sent a few Gentry to a certain location and they happened to stay put. I expect some of the Gentry wandered elsewhere, and so smaller, pocket domains can be found in wild places across the globe.  
  • These domains no longer spread, and new ones cannot be created without petitioning the High Queen herself. The effects do, however, deepen.
  • Basic Information

    Genetics and Reproduction

    it's probably more like each parent rips off part of their own essence and mixes it with the other's; it'll probably have the basic knowledge that both parents started out with (due to its essence coming from them), but its personality will be its own and it will have no experience or anything. so sort-of fully grown, but also literally born yesterday. possible fixes- 'ripping off' part of their own essence is extremely painful and can only be done once, the torn-off essence will not regenerate (permanently weakening the 'parent' gentry), the offspring will NOT be as powerful as their parents, and they also take a century or two to mature into sapience from a little foggy blob of weird magic (and if it isn't sheltered near the heart of a domain & protected from other magical influences, it will become unstable and dissipate entirely), and second-generation Gentry cannot themselves produce offspring, as they lack enough essence of their own to rip off more without tearing themselves apart [1:42 PM] or I can scrap it and make it so they can't make more of themselves, or they have to harvest essence from a slain Gentry to make a new one (so it's 1-1 replacement to keep numbers sort of consistent-ish?)   ^ iron this out eventually

    Growth Rate & Stages

    figure out reproduction first!

    Additional Information

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    basically demi-gods re: power level

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