Titans Species in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Titans are one of the species created by Command AI to settle continent of Menoria, created in the ancient times that are now mostly mythical, with little known about what exactly happened during their prehistory. With even Command AI participation long forgotten.   Titans had luck to possess significant presence in both Lana and the Western Isles, making them survive fall of Menorian Empire more or less well, even if their once vibrant civilization lost most of its strength. Now only a single country (Kannan Hegemony remains in their hands, but they are sometimes encountered as scholars and adventurers outside of it.

Basic Information


Titans are counted amongst the tallest of mortal species, with 2,5 to 3 meters in height. Their skin feels dry but smooth, its texture often compared to marble. They are often called 'stone people' due to that fact.   They can live long (up to 300 years), while being particularly slow breeders, making a demography their constant problem. While normally rather peaceful and diplomatic - which is enforced by the threat of extinction - they can be terrifying in combat. They can actually fall into berserk fury when cornered, and when that happens their already significant strength and toughness is amplified, at the cost of intellect.

Genetics and Reproduction

Only with other titans. Become fertile around their thirty birthdays. Pregnancy lasts for sixteen months, and was improved by the Command AI to be much less dangerous to the mothers and children alike.   Multiple pregnancies, at the same time, happen rarely. Pregnant women are almost fanatically protected, due to value each pregnancy has to titans.

Growth Rate & Stages

Officially speaking titans reach adulthood around their thirty birthday. Unoffically, they aren't considered 'proper adults' until they are at least one hundred years old. Which sometimes (rare due to titan's low fertility, but happens) make people still not considered fully adult to have grandchildren.   Their lifespan ends up about 400 birthday.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most of them lives on either Lana or on Western Islands. Knowledge about the latter is rather marginal in the Imperium, but on Lana they form Kannan Hegemony, one of the last surviving city-states of the titans.

Average Intelligence

They live long and tend to gather a lot of knowledge. Together with generally great memory this makes all titans past 50-75 years old a rather intelligent erudite, unless they followed martial route and become adventurers.
Created by: ??? [Command AI].
IC: Occurence: Rare
IC: Danger: Threatened


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