Ogres Species in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Ogres were created by second xylian attempt to create a specie of geneengineered servants. They were made mostly to serve as heavy infantry forces (and better workers than dwarves) and participated as chief support for xylian automata during Third Xylian-Kivanthian War, during which they were discovered to be pretty much uncontrollable and wild. They could be pushed forward with sufficient terror, but as long as they didn't had a real motivation for fighting with Kivanthian Doctrinate they sooner or later deserted.   Following that they were mostly discarded by Xylian Dominion. Some of them remained as slave-workers, but the rest was either purged or just forced to flee into endless forest of Karadia, where they kept living a rather primitive lives, not creating any civilization of higher level than roaming clans of hunters/foragers. The slave-workers remained until an end of Xylian Dominion and mostly assimilated with elven successor states, sharing their fate during human march west, becoming a specie that is rarely encountered, but that can be met pretty much everywhere.

Basic Information


Two hands, two legs, one head. Always tall, with their normally slender body hiding surprising muscle power. Three pairs of fangs in their mouth, two surprisingly tough horns on their forehead that they can even use in ramming attacks (not to mention that it can stop average sword attack).

Genetics and Reproduction

Ogres can have children with other humans, other xylmade species, most of halfdaemons, humans, and most godmades. Which makes them one of the most universal species. It was mostly made on purpose, with their DNA made to easily accomodate outside genes while keeping the same, 'ogrish' structural frame. This together with their instinct searching for strong mates was supposed to be enough to prevent their genetic code from degrading.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Calories. A lot of them. Their musculature isn't much bigger than average human - in fact their posture looks similar to average human. Their muscles, however, are much more 'intensive', with power output at circa 150% of human. Which means that they need to intake at least 150% of human calorie requirement - actually more of it since heart etc. has to also be enhanced to cope with the muscles. As such they generally enjoy meat and beer.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

They tend to be simple. Not stupid - they are exactly as intelligent as average human - but just simple. They rarely enjoy exquisite pleasures or intellectual work. They also tend to be rather honest, simply considering lies and deceit something too bothersome.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Pretty much average.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Ogres are mentally imprinted (in a way that makes it hereditable) to search for strong mates. They are drawn to those strong, reliable and trustworthy rather than those beautiful or likeable in a more conventional ways.
Created by: Xylian Dominion.
IC: Occurence: Uncommon
IC: Danger: Not Threatened
60 years.
Average Height


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