Drakons Species in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Drakons are one of the most ancient sapient species known to exist today, with their lineage dating back to at least Late Archaic Period of Preimperial Era. They are believed to be created by ancient dragons in their last days, probably as a mean to stave off their own extinction. If such was the reason for their creation, they failed for ancient dragons are now extinct... while the drakons live on.   They are internally divided between two main 'families' of subspecies - the light drakons and dark drakons. They hail from different islands and for majority of their history were pretty hostile to each other. The fact that each of them subspecies are incompatible in terms of crossbreeding makes their division even deeper.

Basic Information


Drakons can be shortly described by humanized dragons. Two hands, two legs and head... but also with some dragon features, which occurence is heavily based on their level of Blood Awakening (also known as dragonification). They are slightly more carnivorous (with vegetables, fruits and herbs still being required, but with no vegetarian drakon alive). For that reason majority of their teeth is sharply ended.   Those of drakons that undergo Blood Awakening has an expansive dragon traits, including horns, scales, horns, fangs, and even wings.

Biological Traits

Right now there are eighteen variants of drakons, aligned to most chief schools of Modern Magic. The reasons for this are heatly debated, with some scholars believing that Imperium of Menoria somehow influenced drakons on their very early stage, when their subspecies were still forming (as Menoria was an origin of Modern Magic), while others think that Modern Magic either took after drakons or, simply speaking, they manifest all sort of primordial powers that creator of magic simply tried to replicate.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ten months long pregnancy. Procreation possible only in pairs of two drakons of the same subspecies. Which makes it even easier for them to self-segregate by sticking to their own. Even when in countries where drakons are a dominant species. This literally creates a sort of biologically enforced caste system. They also seem significantly less fertile that humans, but not in a way that would be a problem to their demography.

Growth Rate & Stages

Process of Blood Awakening (also known as Dragonification) is something unique to drakons, that is attempted mostly by warriors, adventurers and magicians of their specie. All of drakons can do that, but simply speaking it isn't an easy thing (especially when one wants to do in a reasonable timeframe.   There are four main ways of Dragonification.   First is killing and devouring daemons of beasts. Of course, not any, it has to be properly aligned with the type of magic that the subspecie of their vanquisher is also aligned with. Second is using (especially in combat) this magic. Third is simply being in an area aligned with such element (for example fire and magma drakons near volcanoes). Fourth is more... emotional closeness, with light drakons awakening their blood slightly faster if they are attuned to positive feelings (in stable relationships, without doing evil things etc.).   Blood Awakening is a slow process that make take a majority of life to be completed. It changes a simple human-like creature into (almost) a humanoid dragon with quite terrifying power.

Dietary Needs and Habits

More carnivorous than herbivorous. It still requires some intake of foods other than meat, but much smaller than in case of normal humans.


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