Allfather Character in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Worldsmith, The Creator, Allfather

Allfather is a curious example of Creator God worshipped on lands formerly belonging to Imperium of Menoria that did not lost his touch with day-to-day events within Reality, remaining an active player. It is strange, because in Menorian civilization Creator God was always believed to be something far, far away, having long abandoned the world to the modern deities, that govern it in its absence. This succession of the mantle of world-ruler was a basic source of legitimacy for the leadership of Imperium of Menoria and the Supreme Thaumaturgist.   This idea spread even to North Lana Confederacy, whose chief Creator God is mostly absent (however, unlike this of Menoria, it will return for the End Times). Ceveria, curiously, averted or rather subverted this cultural trope. Allfather remains active, although he is no longer the God he was when the universe was created, and his search for those to inherit the mantle of the world governor is the basis of the ceverian theology. Some theologists (outside of United Kingdom of Ceveria, naturally) even consider him an impaired and broken monotheist God, in its origin being not unlike Yehavei, but now degenerated to be closer to Allmaker.

Divine Domains

Sun, Honour, Justice, Good and Self-sacrifice.

Holy Books & Codes

Various ancient writings and legends, more or less unified into centralized scripture by ceverian Temple.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Physical Description

Body Features

Towering man, whose body looks like one belonging to a fifty year old human of ceverian race, with black (but partially turned gray) hair.

Specialized Equipment

Wears either a white robe, or a white plate armour with a sun symbol on chest. Using either a staff with a miniature sun as a core or a sword with sun symbolic on the hilt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The reasons for actualy Creation are, as always, dubious. It is commonly assumed, that Allfather created the worldour of his own reasons, ones beyond the cognitive ability of lesser beings (mortals). He created the world... but he almost killed himself in the process, spending most of its power and losing his name, Allfather being merely a replacement title. The concept of names being a source of power being an idea common among Ceverians of all nations.   His newfound weakness forced him to search for helpers to govern Creation properly. First attempt was creation of the Firstborn, also known as Archeenemy or Nameless One, an almost perfect being supposedly created by Allfather by using parts of his name. Of course, he was known under different name back then.   Creating a god from the scratch was costly, and thus Allfather decided against doing it anymore. His job of searching replacement was unfinished, however. Rather than creating new gods, he searched for help among the still primitive mortals that clinged to the surface of the world. There he discovered Valera, a woman whose deep faith and goodness of heart moved him. He ascended her into godhood and married. She gave birth to all other gods of Ceverian religion.   The attention Allfather gave her and her children offended Firstborn. He was Allfather's first creation, he used part of his name to made him, of course he deserved his attention the most! This feelings led to the rebellion. Firsborn managed to temporarily depose Allfather and Valera from their thrones in the Overworld, but he was soon defeated by their eldest son and daughter. He fell into the Real World, landing upon the peak of the mountain in Ceveria, known today as Bone Mountain. There he lied, defeated, for six days, gathering what remained of his power, before creating Underworld and crawling into it together with his supporters.   Allfather was reinstated, however he weakened further during the strife. He remains the head of ceverian pantheon, but he awaits the End Times. When they happen, Firstborn will be defeated in the last titanic battle, parts of the Allfather's name used to create him will be retaken and he will be reborn in his ancient glory, ready to lead the world together with his family forever.

Morality & Philosophy

In the earliest times of Ceveria he was pictured like a stereotypical head-god of polytheism, being a father of gods and a fatherly figure of a rather patriarchal society. Overtime he changed (partially under influence of monotheistic missionaries of Khardism) into a god of general goodness, a valiant but wise leader, that believes in honour above all.


Family Ties

Husband of Valera, father of Kharamis, Milvar, Belar, Levea and Mikana, creator of Firstborn and countless servile daemons of ceverian religion.
Divine Classification
Known Languages
As a god, he understands all languages and methods of communication, no matter how strange. On the other hand, this isn't literal 'knowledge' in typical sense, more like being beyond language, simply knowing what was written/said via the Dark. Allfather doesn't 'know' the language in human meaning of the word - he knows everything that was ever said, written or thought in that language, while simultaneously knowing what does its users ever knew about it (including the words, grammar and so on), indirectly knowing the language itself.


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