SC2020 - Core Explorer Profession in Garuda | World Anvil
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SC2020 - Core Explorer

Core Explorer was for most of The Bright Sides history a highly prestigious job. The job of a Core Explorer was to go scour Garuda in hopes of finding new Cores or other lost technology from the settler ships that were never found. Secondarily, they also ended up as the cartographers of The Bright Side and the discoverers of the Ancient structures around the world. This ended up being their primary purpose, as most Core Explorers went through their entire career without ever discovering a Fusion Reactor Core. Even with a success rate of close to zero for the job titular description, all the great cities highly encouraged young adults to become core explorers, many also made this the only way out for people not wanting to serve military duty. These cities distinguished between Forced Explorers and True Core Explorers, the first would be sent on missions to particularly inhospitable environments, often resolving in a much lower survival rate of pacifists than those who willingly took up arms. Every child wanted to be a core explorer when they grew up, and many games, both those with and without rules, revolved around being, or training for becoming a Core Explorer. However, this changed when after a century, a new Fusion Reactor Core was found. The discovery nearly led to a world war that could have threaten humanity’s existence on the Bright Side. Thus, after the formation of the City Senate, one of their earliest degree was to outlaw the profession of Core Explorers. While Core Explorers no longer exist, their legends live on, and so does their profession. The Great Cities still look to find the cores, but it can no longer be done overtly. A classical cover is religious pilgrimage. However, traders, scholars, and just people going on vacation might all be attracted to the lure of the cores. And no matter how much the City Senate would try, they have done too much to build up the legends of the Core Explorers, to ever tear them down.

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