The Firstseed Tree in Gardens | World Anvil
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The Firstseed Tree

He was the first, the first to be given life. Before any animals breathed, before the smallest blade of grass could grow, there was him - Firstseed. It was through him that Val was able to gift the world with her power. He is the centre of all, the king of kings, our own progenitor and the progenitor of all weaving. With his help we work to protect the world.
He is not a god, no. Simply a conduit for Val. He is not merely the tree, either. He is the forest and all within it. The druid Thirdseed, our late king, and the druid Fourthseed, our king to be, are his avatars, yet they are also him. Reborn manifestations of his will so that he could guide us. You would do well to approach this matter with respect, human.   - Storm, druid, talking about the Firstseed tree, as transcribed by Thaumaturge Radovan, -3.2.227 TA
  I had the privilege of seeing it for myself. One of the few "mortals" that has, as I have been made aware. I was disallowed to take any thaumic devices with me, so I'm afraid it was impossible to take proper measurements of any kind. They even took my arm - good thing I didn't need it to scrawl notes.
You can see the tree from quite far away, and yet I don't think anything can prepare you for its gargantuan size. Its crown is high above the clouds, the trunk must be miles in width.
The tree itself, well, appears to be a normal oak. As normal as one of that size can be, I suppose. The leaves are of a common oak, there is fungal growth typical for oaks at the base of the tree. Nothing physical suggests the tree should be special. However - and this is where its extraordinary properties are apparent - even without my arm, I could feel the aura! It was not quite like being attuned; rather, it was everpresent. I am unsure whether the aura I felt was my own, amplified by the tree's presence, or if it was, perhaps, the tree's own aura I could feel. I have tried to weave within the area, to no avail.
I don't know which possibility I like more. Does it act as an amplifier for surrounding aura? Or is its own aura so strong, the local accumulation of it so high, that it permeates into other beings? The druids, I have been made aware, use it as a breeding ground of sorts. They are, importantly, mostly composed of inorganic matter, yet when they die near this tree, from organic seeds sprout from their bodies. Imagine the implications emerging from either possibility! Is the tree so powerful it imbues inorganic matter with life? Or does that which we see as inorganic, or, not "alive" have the capability for life within it, if only its aura could be worked with in the right way?
Further research is required. If only I could bring my instruments there...   - Report of Thaumaturge Radovan on the Firstseed tree, -2.11.227
This article is the result of a challenge issued within the WA chapter Bowles of the Forge.
Challenge: Write about one person/place/thing from two different perspectives. Under 500 words each.

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