Battle Cadance Spell in Garange | World Anvil
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Battle Cadance

Battle Cadence can be used twice per long rest.   Battle Cadence can be cast as a bonus action.


Your next melee attack spell deals an additional 1d2 damage as long as it has not been used during your current cast of Battle Cadence it will add 1 stack of Cadence (Max 3). You do an additional 1d2 damage per stack of battle Cadence (3 stacks is 3 1d2per attack). Once a Melee attack spell is repeated your Battle Cadence explodes with energy doubling all bonus stack damage. (1d4 per stack)   At higher levels the damage of Battle Cadence is increased to 1d4 per stack and 1d8 per stack when expended. Max stacks increased to 5, and 4 uses per long rest.

Side/Secondary Effects

When Battle Cadence is expended your weapon glows red hot like it is super heats and a crack is heard if it strikes. Your Battle Cadence damage is doubled for this attack.


a soft glow forms around the users hands and their weapon swings seem to float in the air almost like a dance.


The source of this magic comes from Camulos and is granted to his mystical warriors.

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