Baetylite Material in Galactic Diaspora | World Anvil
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A very rare material first found on the moons of Demeter's Garden. It's what allows the Hermesian Broadcast system and Hyperion Drives to function.   It's a mostly clear crystal with inner edges that look slightly purple, and it's construction looks similar to a bismuth. When shot with electromagnetic waves, it reflects those waves at extraordinarily fast speeds, thousands of times faster than the speed of light. The more Baetylite one has, the more information they can transmit at once.   While there was a large amount of Baetylite on the moons of DemGar, The Celestial Reach had trouble finding more. They launched mining operations across Sagittarius Sector and found some, but it was not enough. Now, they're colonizing Epiphany Sector in order to search for more.

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