The Celestial Reach Organization in Galactic Diaspora | World Anvil
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The Celestial Reach

Subsection within the Galactic Diaspora , a network of planets and stations under the influence/control of Demeter's Garden. Includes the vast majority of the Galactic Diaspora and is sometimes used synonymously.   Celestial Planets are characterized by having Hermesian Broadcast stations on official frequencies, capable of transmitting and receiving information faster than the speed of light.   The Reach is not officially a government, but practically a corporatocracy of colonization, trade, extraction, and production companies from Demeter's Garden. They enforce a certain set of fundamental rules (Principal Charter) on all Celestial Planets, but otherwise planetary governments have autonomy, though many are owned by these companies anyway.   While united in name as the Reach, the corporations are actually bitterly individualistic and divided. Some form conglomerates and collaborates, but there is a lot of competition within the empire. It usually takes the form of economic and diplomatic disputes and corporate espionage (Shadowrunners), but occasionally erupts into full-scale warfare.   These corporations include:
Geopolitical, Empire

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